((Collab between Letter Bee and Gentlemenvaultboy)) Shahrukh Mirza the Fifth, Sultan of Timurid Egypt in Renovation, Keyblade Wielder, and redheaded hottie, would arrive in Robotropolis in his small Gummi Ship, having left Fredrick Arwell behind in Mai's world to protect it while he went on a trip to this world. Clothed in a hood, robe, and sand-colored special forces armor underneath, the 19-year old would meet with the local Moogles, telling them: "I need to arrange a meeting with Souji Kamiya, or rather, the being currently bearing his name. Now." A second later, an anonymous Moogle scrambled to send an email, asking V2 to come to a meeting with someone who may know his secret! Meeting site - the very hangar in which Shahrukh had made his approach. [hr] "This is it grab bag!" The robot yelled, striking a pose in the middle of the street. In front of him a heartless that looked like a giant purple paper back with a scowly face painted on the middle wiggled and writhed, hacking up bikes and cars into the empty road, its body laced with ragged scars. Above him, in the windows he could hear people cheering him on. Well, not him. It brough him joy nonetheless. He threw his hand behind him as Scrapyard appered in it with a shower of sparks. Slowly he brought the Keyblade in front of him. The orbs on his shoulders extended, lightning cracling between them. He spun the Keyblade once, the lightning flowing into it until even the battered thing was luminous and shining. "Finishing Move: THUNDER HEART RIPPER!" With that he threw, the blade spinning through the air. It struck the heartless once, twice, three times, circleling it and pouring electricity into the monster before spinning back to him. He caught it, spun it three times, and turned away as the heartless crumpled in on itself and dissolved into a cloud of blackness. Above him the people cheered, laughed, sjputed congradulations and praise from their windows. He looked up at them, smiling a wide smile, and flashed a V sign. Then he got an notification. He read the email highlighted on the surface of his eye. His smile never faltered. His relaxed, happy stance never changed. He lauged as he waved to the adroring public and jetted off into the sky, looking like he didn't have a care in the world. [hr] It was only within the dark of the hanger that v2 changed. His face didn't fall so much as flatline, settleing into a placid look of absolute neutrality. His body language shiftted from a care free, easy going young lad to an uncanny precition, no movemeant wasted at all. He looked around the empty hanger, searching for whoever it was that had decided to be so foolish. "Come out." he said, in a voice that sounded like the owner had no idea what an exclamtion mark even was. "If at all posible I would wish to settle this matter peacefully. Heartless do not blackmail, and I am only obligated to eridicate them." He can hear a noise from behind him; a 19-year old boy wearing a hood and cloak and special forces armor underneath, with curly red hair and green eyes, had hopped out of seemingly nowhere; a Vanish spell? He would then say: "Hello, V2. And yes, I know your secret. My name is Sharukh Mirza, and we are kin by being Keyblade Wielders," he then conjured up his Keyblade, which was colored pale yellow and royal blue. "Not that kinship prevents me from asking something of you in such a way." "Replica." v2 replied simply. "Nothing saying Replicas can't be kin," Shahrukh would say nonchalantly. "Either way, I have to ask: How much do you know of the Multiverse?" v2 is silent for a moment, something playing out behind its eyes. "Multiverse. Many worlds Theory: Correct. My creators manufactured me with help from a non-native species of this world." It pauses, as though considering the next point deeply. "Likely origin point of the Hearthless." "How would you act if I told you there was a way of reducing Heartless attacks on your world - [i]all[/i] worlds - into an inconsequential extent? This will also restore anyone the Heartless turned into one of them, bringing back hundreds, perhaps thousands, of people who would have been as good as dead otherwise? Would you believe me?" Sharukh would continue. "I would be forced to act upon that knowlage to eradicate the Heartless threat once and for all, to the best that my repocibilities here allow." v2 replied. "Is that what you are telling? If you are just making a hypotheticle, I will become very angry." "To say that I am making a hypotethical would be a lie," said Shahrukh. "No, I'm telling the truth; there is a way to eradicate the Heartless - at least most of them - and you can help in that. However, you'll have to let me replace you in guarding Robotropolis for the time being. That said, though, as my offer would be innately distrusted, allow me to present you with proof besides my own abilities as a Keyblader." He would then toss a data drive to v2. This drive contained the knowledge of how exactly the Heartless can be defeated - gather the Seven Princesses of Heart, use them to restore the Heartless of Ascot, the one who split the Multiverse apart in the first place, back into a Human, and then defeat Leo the Second Mathematician and his Thirteen Seekers of Darkness. References to Kingdom Hearts and its light as something to be unleashed were also peppered throughout the data. "It's all self-consistent," Shahrukh would then say. "So, what do you say? Give me a few months of hero time and your good offices in making the transition, and you can finally free your world from fear." ((To be continued in Part 2))