[centre][b][color=fff200][h1]Niesha[/h1][/color][/b] [img]http://i65.tinypic.com/2prbtlc.jpg[/img] [b]location:[/b]Parking lot between 10 (medical garden) and Gilbert street---> injured teen, near medical garden[/centre] [hr] At the sounds of shots, everything seemed to go away for a moment, and Niesha flinched, pushing in front of Kristina as if she could stop any bullets. And then all sound seemed to come back, and Niesha glanced about. those shots had been too close...what if someone was hurt? Cries, screams, a whole community's fears. Unless the dead had learned how to shoot, they were being shot at by humans, alive. [i]Like that one that tried to kill me...that Sophie saved me from[/i]. Panic set in. Sophie. Where the hell was she? [color=fff200]"Please let her be okay..."[/color] She wasn't aware she had spoken as she heard cries, quite near, from the gardens. Glancing to Kristina, she said [color=fff200]"Find some cover. Sounds like people are hurt and you won't be able to run well for cover if they start shooting again"[/color] Her tone indicated she didn't want to have to fight on this, as she started off towards the nearest cries. Finding the teen was easy. Approaching them was the hardest thing in the world. Yet she did, carefully, looking for where the teen was shot, to determine if they were alive or not. A teen turning here...She wished she had her bow. [i]four shots...[/i] that meant there could be four possible walkers running about. She had to make sure. Hand wandering to the knife she wore still, if there was even a slim chance at saving the teens life, it had to be taken, didn't it? Still, four shots...who else was hurt? And was there a chance there would be more? [color=fff200]"James"[/color] She called out, desperately, [color=fff200]"There could be more shots coming...people, the kids especially, should get into cover...And if the kid is okay, I'm not strong enough to get them to the infirmary"[/color] Thought of her own safety was gone, right then she didn't care about herself, and she knew there was no way she could lift the kid. Carefully, she crouched by the shot teen, ready to leap back if she had to, and laying a hand on their wrist, If there was a pulse, Niesha would take her shirt off, and using it to put pressure on the wound, resigning herself to donating her clothes today to the community. Was there...no...she had to believe that Sophie was okay, or she wouldn't be able to do what had to be done. Watching the teen, Niesha held her breath, waiting desperately for the bump of a pulse. [i]please...[/i]. The fastest she had seen the dead turn was roughly five minutes. How long did they have, if the kid was dead?