[@RBYDark][@Fish of Oblivion] I edited it. How does it look now ? Changed the starter Pokemon with something that the Kalos region had been known to have. ( Honedge ) If this one is not OK I'll edit and change it to : Deino , if he is not allowed either I'll go with Gastly. Since none are starting Pokemon ( for the player ) in any Pokemon ( if I've read right ). ^_^ Thanks for the help. [hider=CS] Name: Alexis Catcher [hider=Appearance:] [img]https://i.paigeeworld.com/user-media/1459209600000/5627cc75deae73d31b7576b8_56face87278c93c542ceac19_320.jpg[/img] [/hider] Age: 14 Gender: Female Personality: Alexis is a friendly little gal. Born in a Pokemon trainer family she loves Pokemons and would do anything to protect Pokemons from those that would want to harm them. She's ready to fight anyone that attacks her friends or those that attack Pokemons. No matter the cost Alexis is ready to die herself than let a Pokemon , be it hers , wild or having another trainer , get hurt too badly. She is known to abandon fights even if she could win them if her Pokemon would be hurt. Also she doesn't like people that think themselves to be the greatest trainers without thanking their Pokemons first. Alexis is mostly a loner when it comes to friends. She believes that most humans will lie and cheat other people , so she stays most of her time with Pokemons. Brief Bio: Alexis was born into a family of Pokemon Trainers and since she was in diapers she grew with Pokemon all over the house. Her parents never tried their training skills at a gym or something but decided it's better just to grow Pokemon and save them from peril if needed be. Alexis's mother worked at the local Care Center for Pokemon and her father was the local Gym Leader's Helper. Alexis learned to take care of Pokemons as soon as she grew up. Her Honedge was her friend since she was born and it was only normal when she had to choose a starting Pokemon , she would choose Honedge as it. Starter Pokemon: Honedge Starter's Personality: Alexis's Honedge was raised by humans all his life and learned to trust Alexis's family. Loyal to the end to Honedge, he is ready to cut anyone he needs to save her trainer. They both grew up together and they were best friends before Alexis knew how to talk. Misc: She has a ring on her hand with a Sword Symbol , that she received from her mother when she left home. [/hider]