[quote=@Chairman Stein] Hm, yeah I'll throw in my interest. This could be fun. [/quote] Here be thy rolls: Again, dice rolls can be found in the dice rolls if you want to see the prayers to RNGesus, one reroll is allowed so choose wisely if you do. [hider=ROLLS] [u]Genetic Make Up[/u] [b]Wretched:[/b] Riddled with tumours and malformations, these poor sods are kept at an arm's length by everyone else. Ugly and deformed, think Hills have eyes. Very high infant mortality, and fewer still make it to adulthood. Always in need of breeders. [u]Cultural Meta-Group[/u] [b]Mercs:[/b] Professional killers, these men fight and kill for a living. Feared throughout the wastes, despite their relative peacefulness compared to raiders. They kill when they want to, but only if it benefits their agenda. Well trained and heartless, they fly many flags but are united by common ruthlessness and battlefield skill. Religious extremists, political/philosophical ideologues, or just plain killers for hire. [u]Leadership[/u] [b] Dictatorship:[/b] Whether they go by mayor, king, chief, tyrant, boss or any other blandishment of power, these men are the movers and shakers in the wastes. Strong willed and often ruthless, singular individuals often take charge of small groups, as has been the case in every historical era. They may have a close knit inner circle, but they always rule with absolute power when it comes down to it. [u]Cultural Quirks[/u] [b]Death Cult:[/b] Unsurprisingly among the blighted folk of the wastes, some have taken to worshipping death, or the idea of a “Good death”. Perhaps it’s a mythical afterlife, a desire to see the world well and truly die, or simply a nihilistic belief that death is an inevitable constant in life, for whatever reason this group worships death itself. [b]Not the Lingua Franca:[/b] The group doesn’t speak the standard language of the wastes. Maybe they speak a different old world tongue, or maybe a new language that has emerged since the apocalypse. In any case, they have trouble interacting with other groups and require interpreters to treat with them. [u]Distinctive Apperance[/u] [b]Swaddled:[/b] Wrapped up in distinctive trappings, these people’s skin is rarely actually seen. Maybe enviroment suits they never take off their bodies, maybe cloth wraps all over themselves to protect from dust and grit like a desert nomad. In any case, they might be seen as exceptionally mysterious due to it. [u]Unique/Exclusive Resource[/u] [b]Scrap:[/b] Everyone wants it, everyone needs it, most people have it. This group has a specific type, or an extreme profusion of it, and they use it to barter for whatever else they need. [u]Equipment Quality[/u] [b]Ramshackle:[/b] Armor is cobbled together, guns are hand tooled, and houses/clothes are generally not in the best state. Pretty standard for most people, unfortunately. [u]Motor Pool Make Up[/u] [b]Custom:[/b] Either customized to unrecognizable extents or built from the ground up, these cars and trucks don’t fit into any pre-war category. Generally prone to mechanical problems and ramshackle stylings, but common and easily repaired. [u]Special Shit[/u] [b]Turbo-Charged:[/b] Engines are supercharged and often fitted with nitrous. The group's cars will be capable of incredible bursts of speed, at the cost of some special maintenance and materials. [b]De-Construction Equipment:[/b] Cars are mounted with buzzsaws, mini-excavators, and plows for wrecking enemy vehicles. [u]Flagship Vehicle[/u] [b]Legendary Car:[/b] It’s not a giant warmachine, or even all that impressive compared to some other things, but it’s the perfect blend of fast, tough, and reliable. This car is everything anyone could ever want and it’s certainly made a name for itself. When a group rolls up with this thing, people know who they are. Takes the form of whatever your generic type of vehicle is. [/hider]