Okay, so...I'm moving to a new place tonight and I'm not sure if I'll have internet access there immediately, so I apologise in advance if I take a while to post again after today...or during today, since I'm still not done packing, ehe. Now then, profiles: Juliet: Looks good to me. Accepted. Angelo: I'm not sure about the contract, mainly in terms of its personality. I don't mind bad characters in the RP, but I'm less willing to accept something that's pure evil. Kermack: I'm afraid I can't accept this. As I said in the OP, the RP's meant to be fairly light-hearted, which his backstory doesn't really seem to fit in with. Also, I'm not sure about the fact that apparently he's meant to come off as approachable, but at the same time does his best to make sure most of the student body fears him as someone that could flip out and eat them at a moment's notice. Mira: Accepted. Sakura: Accepted. Natsuki: Looks good so far. Momo: Accepted.