[hr][hr][h3][b][i][center][color=a187be]Kyra[/color] & [color=82ca9d]Sana[/color][/center][/i][/b][/h3] [center][b][color=a187be]Location:[/color][/b] The Orc Cave [b][color=a187be]Interacting With:[/color][/b] Yeah, peoples, and orcs, and Brezcar [/center] [center]~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~[/center] Sana smirked a bit as she climbed down from the saddle and took a hold of the reins of Epona in one hand. [color=82ca9d]"Not a problem Thomas, you should probably get some rest until the food is made and we make camp,"[/color] she said before turning back to her horse and patting her old friend a few times as her eyes darted about the camp sight as it looked like Kyra was about to go into the cave to speak with the elder of this [i]army[/i]. She didn't like the idea of Kyra going in there but if Keystone was going with her she at least knew the man could handle his own. Kyra nodded some. [color=a187be]"Right. Ntaj, you stay here. If something comes up at least you can translate for the group as a whole. Cyneburg can come with us. Hopefully we can get this worked out quick and we all can get some rest tonight,"[/color] she said before turning and continuing to follow Brezcar. It was odd to her that they were not taking their weapons but with the amount of force this camp had she doubted they would last long if anyone drew on them. Sana stepped over to Keystone and sighed a bit. [color=82ca9d]"She's too calm, watch her,"[/color] she whispered to Keystone before motioning over towards Kyra as she walked into the cave. Sighing she turned and tied off Epona to a tree before removing her saddle and tossing it on the ground. [color=82ca9d]"Fire is looking good,"[/color] she said idly to Calanon as she unpacked a blanket and tossed it on top of the saddle before she started to brush down her horse. Kyra looked around the cave, it looked like they had been there sometime. The place was, for lack of a better tern, well lived in. The smell was bit much but after what she had smelt thanks to Keystone just a few days before it was like a tip toe through the tulips. There were more orcs in the cave, lining the walls even as they spread out to give more and more space in the cave. The deeper they went the more dank it smelt and the less light shown. It was cleaner further back and towards one area where they veered towards was what she assumed was the elder they were being brought to speak with.