Malkath kept running through the halls, he heard the sounds of fighting around him in the facility, and desperately wished to find a quarry of his own to kill. He did not have to wait long, just three more bends in the alarm-blaring halls led him to an antechamber of sorts, with multiple stair ways and paths leading to different parts of the facility or different rooms. Several pirates had gathered there in the panic of the initial strike and were planning their next move forward, until Malkath came upon them. The Kroot charged them, firing two quick shots with his Kroot Rifle, the shots taking one of the humans in the torso, with the pulse rounds burning neat holes through him. The other two panicked and fired about with their respective las and stub guns. Malkath lept into the air, easily hitting the roof, and using it to increase his momentum, lept down straight at them with a roar. He landed into the pair, knocking both of them down with his frame. Making quick work of the one to his left, he sliced the man's throat open in one swipe with his taloned claws on his left hand, the human dropped his gun and clutched at his throat, croaking hoarsely as blood pumped out of his throat and onto himself and the ground. Quickly turning to remaining pirate in front of him, Malkath crawled on top of him and using the butt of his Kroot rifle, beat the pirate's face in. Within 3 strikes, the man's face was a mess of crushed bone and blood. [i]Pathetic[/i] . . . none of these three had been prey worthy of note. They were . . . what was the human expression? "Lambs to the slaughter." A fresh growl from behind him immediately caught his attention. A Kroot, evidently one of the pirates, had evidently come to the same meeting place, though arrived too late to help his friends. The fellow Xeno snarled predatorily at Malkath, and Malkath returned the snarl. This Kroot had evidently feasted mostly on humans lately, his body type were exhibiting even more features of humans than Malkath, though he still possessed the characteristic beak and some of the quills of his species, most were in his hair and none were on his body. His talons had mostly become nails, and his frame was bulkier. The Kroot Pirate put down his own Kroot rifle carefully, and crouched down in a fighting stance before issuing a sharp taunt in the Kroot language (albeit now highly convoluted in its accent), an obvious challenge. Malkath pulled off the Kroot equivalent of grinning, his hair quills stood up straighter and pointed out the back of his head like spikes, and he carefully laid down his own rifles before getting into his own stance and issuing his own challenge. Within moments the two charged at eachother and were engaged in a brawl. The two of them trying to scratch the other with their claws, or to tear at each other with their beaks, and each possessing fairly considerable speed. Malkath took several slices across the exposed areas of his chest, and narrowly missed having his ear bitten off during a brief clinch. And although both were strong, Malkath was the stronger, likely on account of some of his greenskin DNA. Seizing a break in his opponents defence, he did a swift double kick with his taloned feet that threw him forward and his opponent backward into the steps. Pulling off a quick roll that turned into a lunge at the fellow Kroot, Malkath managed to land on to of him and get him pinned. He quickly plunged his beak into his opponent's neck, tear through muscle, a thin layer of fat, and tearing our arteries as blood spilled out onto him and face and filled his mouth. He let go and leaned back as his opponent cried out in pain, using own hand to try and staunch the flow, the other he swung about wildly desperately trying to get Malkath off of him, to which the Kroot Mercenary simply grabbed the hand and neatly sliced all five of his fingers off in a swift motion. He then plunged his talons into the chest of the heavily wounded and bleeding Kroot, seeking to penetrate its vital organs and finish this. He stabbed his claws in like knives and worked himself into a frenzy as he slashed, tore, and maimed his opponent until finally he stopped moving. By that point, the stairs were a mess, and his victim's torso was a gore-filled work of art. Calming down, he looked down upon his now dead opponent. [i]Now he was a capable adversary. Do him his honors and make him part of your collection![/i] Licking his already blood-soaked beak and relishing the more human but still mixed xeno-blood taste, he delved into his opponents torso, eating out his heart, [i]the precious eagle cactus fruit as some ancient humans who had a similarly understanding of such things as Kroot did had apparently once called it[/i], and setting to work consuming his prize like a predator would over its latest catch . . .