[@ScreenAcne] [color=hotpink] "I'll get him for you now, sweetie."[/color] she said with a wink, shoving a [color=hotpink]Ingestible pink capsule[/color] into his hand with a wink before prancing off to get her superior. [b]Gain UNKNOWN: [color=hotpink]Ingestible pink capsule.[/color][/b] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/qHxVGC8.jpg[/img] [h2][color=gold].-| Felix |-.[/color][/h2][/center] It was a little later when the girl reapproaches with a tall, decedant looking man. He walked with pefect poise and an air of determination. Felix came to a a half before Balith, examining the papers in his hand with one quick caculated glance. [color=gold]"Balith Benker, Ticketeer."[/color] he said, not fully aware of Balith's preference on the subject. [color=gold]"I've been expecting you, please come with me. Mervin, his things."[/color] The man held his hands up ramrod straight and clapped them, twice, curtly. Without so much as approaching the Diamond he had summoned the symbol onto the back of his hand. A young man in his late 20s appeared from behind Felix rather nervously, presenting Balith with a selection of papers in his clammy hands. As well as the basic initiation package - a map of campus, dorm room assignment, schedules, Student help information and a Prime District map - there were some extra, more official items that seemed related to his unique assignment. [color=gold]"Come, come. There is alot to do."[/color] Felix finished, turning on his heels in one swift movement and marching away with the full expectation that both Balith and Mervin would catch up. [color=olive]"S-S-S-Sorry,"[/color] stammered Mervin, [color=olive]"He's l-l-like this alot. Um. All the ti, ty, te, time, ac-k-k-ktually."[/color] And with that he scurried off after his superior, who had already gotten a considerable start on them. Taking an immediate right, a little distance away but in view of the main campus, Felix came to a stop. The building looked alot humbler then many of the others around - a simple one story building without any decorations or notable architecture. Still, it wasn't unappealing, if anything it was quaint. A paved path led up to the plain double doors, meandering among the grass. Ivy creeped up one corner and hedges lined the bases of windows, tiny pastel flowers dancing in front of them in the light breeze. Upon passing in a couple of feet of the building the campus raucous dimmed to background buzz. [color=olive]"Warded."[/color] Mervin explained to his new colleague. Felix pushed open the glass double doors. The hallway was short, branching off to a T junction, and the reception desk currently empty. [color=gold]"Mervin's office is straight on and yours is first on the right,"[/color] he said, gesturing with two fingers.[color=gold] "You'll be next door to each other. He'll help you out if you have any problems."[/color] The man tucked his arms behind his back and turned to face Balith.[color=gold] "I hope everything is to your liking. You will be expected to keep up with your studies, of course, but you'll find working for the District to have it's own privaleges."[/color]