[centre][img]http://i946.photobucket.com/albums/ad306/Royzooka/Candycane_zpssmswzf4o.png[/img][/centre] [color=00aeef][h1][centre]Gourd Lake:[/centre][/h1][/color] The young punk soon turned her head as something appeared near her. The sudden appearance was enough to throw anyone off even more so someone who could do nothing like that. Though what threw her off, even more, was when the metal being asked her a question. The young wrestler saying the question back to herself. [color=ed1c24]"Why do you not fight with your allies? Do you not consider them important? Do their lives mean little? Or perhaps you are cowardly?"[/color] she said softly and her lips moved with each word said. The question was very thought provoking and the young punk was a hot head with an attitude problem. Yet, she managed to keep herself composed as she was in a strange land where no one really knew the real her. Her arms dangled next to her as the questions replayed in her head over and over as if it was haunting her in some way. [color=ed1c24]"No... I mean..."[/color] her words trailed off. She paused as her eyes looked heavy as she looked at the burning shack. She could not save it making her feel even worse about herself. [color=ed1c24]"I, I am not like them. I, I am very human. I can't do all that magic stuff. I don't have super strength, stamina, speed or anything like that. I am just a wrestler from Canada. All I am is a girl with a guitar. What good would that do in a fight? If you stab me I will bleed to death, I can't do what they are doing. So maybe I am useless."[/color] Candycane paused for a moment as she looked at one of the Big Sisters. [color=ed1c24]"I am not a coward, I just know that I can't do much in terms to help them other then try to save the person in this building if he has not escaped already. Though I don't know them very well and what I saw earlier was disturbing, to say the least, I do value their lives. It's strange that I would say that. I would never say it to them, though. How does one fight something with magic or unnatural abilities? HOW?"[/color] she said as if she was suddenly depressed facing the reality she was in. Her mind playing over all the things she could do to the metal being. None of it ending well for her. None of her wrestling moves would do anything even with her tactics of dirty tricks. [color=ed1c24]"Do you think I am pathetic since I don't match up to them?"[/color] she asked the Big Sister. The redhead punk acted as if the Big Sister was not an enemy which was strange for her and most likely for the Big Sister as well. The glow of the burning shack could be seen against her body, various shadow-like shapes taking different forms as the fire kept burning the place down. [@Prince of Seraphs]