Everyone seemed to go into a bit of an uproar after Firefly had decided to direct the conversation towards making an actual plan. She was happy that she could help, biting her lip slightly as she smiled. Though to be honest, she didn't feel super important in that moment and more like a passing thought - but who knew if her feelings were actually right or not. A lot of times her gut reaction wasn't quite right. Either way, she kept mostly quiet as others decided to take charge of the conversation and if she had a pick, she would've chosen [i]Simbi[/i] to be the leader even though in some small way she wished she could be too - if only to be recgonized and appreciated, which was the wrong reason to be any sort of leader at all. Her only other thoughts on anything were when she saw Chris hitting on Luna. It was a small tinge, a silly thing like it normally was, but Rose had felt a certain attraction to her too. So when Chris approached her, she knew she didn't have much of a chance. After all, Luna was probably into men and second, Rose wasn't exactly the most forward type of girl as it were. Biting her lip slightly again, she spoke up a little towards [i]Simbi[/i]. [b][color=ff4d94]"I like your plan.. I can definitely work crowd control.."[/color][/b] She nodded with a slight smile towards the geomancer. She quickly wondered to herself how powerful everyone was and what sort of tactics they used in their own fighting styles - for one, Firefly was fairly certain that she fought in a way that wouldn't be expected. Meanwhile at the center stage, the masked woman simply sat and observed. It didn't seem to bother her that everyone was talking among themselves, her eyes causally drifting over each person as they spoke. The only thing that could be a tad out of place was when she seemed to linger her gaze on Simbi in particular after he had spoken and again, another odd glance towards Firefly, which caused the redhead to look away awkwardly. Though she did eventually speak up when Chris, the metagenius, had said his say. [b][color=bf40bf]"Do remember you have more time than ten minutes. The ship doesn't come into port until [u]tomorrow[/u] night.. I did this specifically so you had time to talk, prepare, and get familiar with one another."[/color][/b] And that was all she said, going quiet once more, like some sort of narrating guide.