Shawn opened a window to let in some air. Thinking a burning dumpster would of been better then now. Lifting the collar of his shirt over his nose. Wanting to be thorough he moved down the hall and looked into one of the bedrooms. "Hello." It was a man's voice. Shawn jumped into the room and pulled his gun. Shawn yelled out, "I'm looking for my daughter." He took a few steps away from the wall taking aim at the door way. Slowly he pulled the hammer of the gun back. The safety was always off. "Man you've been through every floor if she hasn't showed by now she ain't here. You need to go." Foot steps moving away, the door closing, and more steps moving down the main hall. "I'm looking for my daughter!" Shawn knelt down and peered out gun first. Nothing. Nothing but the bitter he just dealt with and the door was closed. Standing, then stepping out into the hall Shawn rested his back to the wall. Looking up questions came creeping into him with the doubt. He had gone through this once already and sure as the sun she came back. It had been a month and nothing. He still had the radio. He turned it on and listened. ....Nothing. The guy was right if she was here she would of heard. Heard the doors breaking, the knocking the heavy boot steps of a man to tired to control the fall of his feet. She wasn't here. Just a mad man scaring a family trying to hold out in hell. He did the southern thing and cleared out the last two floors found some strength and broke five of the stairs to keep more from coming back up through the building. confident it would deter bitters from killing the family he left. The streets were clinging to some remnants of snow. It was silent. Then a snarl and a walker fell from a roof. Shawn took a moment to mark off the first building in his search. One down and it only took two days to clear. Shawn needed some water to clean the sink off him. Letting his eyes look about on the map he saw the fire house previously marked in his searches. They would have a shower if anyone did. He moved to the corners of buildings looking out and moving quickly across the open streets. The bridges were clogged with cars buses and wreckage.some of the cars were hanging off the sides. Shawn didn't even bother looking at the tunnels. When Shawn got to the fire house, it was different. The doors were closed. "Shit." He maneuvered around to the side to see a herd around the corner. Some of them spotted him and like dominoes they lead the others. Over twenty walkers as his eyes became wide and nothing around him but alley ways and buildings to die in. Shawn was exhausted low on food and sleep. Still he pushed his body toward the door of a neighboring building. Not stopping Shawn put his shoulder to the door and It held. he took the bar and pried at the door as the herd turned the corner to greet him with growls and snarls. The door gave and he ran inside. Down the hall to an open elevator. As the herd followed Shawn felt like he was moving on will alone. the lights were off so he looked up and climbed into the elevators roof access. semi safe the herd piled into the small elevator and reached for Shawn. breathing and safe for the moment. He took off the jacket covered in guts and tossed it down. Confronted now by his own B.O. he took off he layers and let them air. Using the vest to rest his head he looked up to see darkness. Exhaustion took him. As he woke to the soft growls below it was completely dark. Shawn's movements caused the herd below to become louder. Groping around in the dark he found the back pack and a lighter. Shawn sacrificed his socks and set fire to them. Then dropping them down to the herd below to create a nice little fire. he saw the railings and his gear. Putting the vest back on then his shirt and pack Shawn moved up the the rails. Still sore and hungry he moved only to the second floor. The smoke was filling the shaft quicker then he thought. using the bar he opened the elevator shaft's doors. A walker lunged at him only to fall into the burning elevator. Shawn tapped on the metal doors. More shuffled out into the hall and toward him falling to their final reward. Confident it was clear he pulled himself out of the shaft and shut the doors to keep the smoke out of the hall. It wasn't long until the sprinklers went off, Shawn laughed softly at first then louder.