Just so it is known I am now recovered from my head injury and almost done with my CS [Center] [img]http://fontmeme.com/freefonts/img.php?f=134509&s=65&t=Reva%20Tylyr&c=ff9966[/img] [color=ff9966][U] Age [/u][/color] 44 [color=ff9966][U] Rank/Position [/u][/color]Lieutenant [color=ff9966][U] Race [/u][/color] Rigelian Zami [Center][img]http://cdn-imageresize.mocospace.com/servlet/ImageResizeServlet?as=t&q=8&cd=-1&cq=.75&pj=t&w=480&h=480&f=photoalbum_501236452_user42227160-1-jpg.jpg[/img][/Center] [color=ff9966][U]Personality [/u][/color] Reva isn't normal for her race having been raised by a Boomer clan made up of humans. Passionate and driven to prove her worth she uses physical exertion over more sexual methods to control her Vulcanoid psycho/physiology; can't be a career officer along the more pleasant path. Competitive by nature Reva is a hard worker and quick study. Eager to raise in rank she manages to avoid the negative labels like brown nose and overconfident this is in part to being raised by God Parents who were Human Boomers. Like most people of her nomadic space society Reva see's a ship as her natural home and space a familiar environment. She holds the machinery around her like a sacred temple but rules her domain with a firm and gentle hand not demanding the best of her staff but expecting it. Longlived she is patient when time allows and calmly demanding in situations with tighter constraints. [color=ff9966][U]History [/u][/color] Reva was born under an inauspicious sign into the Heart Clan as a third birth of triplets. Her fate sealed by numbers she was to leave the Clan's protection to be sold to another an be used as they saw fit; then the Tylyr's a friend to Reva's biological parent popped by to visit. The Tylyr's were a human Boomer couple of the Leo clan who called the UFP registered Merchant ship Leonardo there home and we're owed favor for having rescued and hosted 11 members of the Heart clan. The Tylyr's offered Reva's parents a third option by asking for Reva in exchange for life debt owed to their own clan. So it was with joy and not sorrow Reva was cast away from the protection of her birth clan and into another. Being Vulcanoid meant Reva's childhood was nearly 26 years before she showed signs of physical maturity. Her mental abilities displayed themselves as early as 12 just like her two sisters back on Regal V and are a mirror image of them as well (Directional Sense, Contact Empathy and Life Detection ) [color=ff9966][U]Skills [/u][/color] [color=ff9966][U]Other [/u][/color] [color=ff9966][U]Sample Post [/u][/color] I will finish by tonight