[h3][center][color=#BD3EC2]N[/color][color=#B344C2]o[/color][color=#AA4BC2]x[/color] [color=#9759C3]A[/color][color=#8E60C4]l[/color][color=#8467C4]i[/color][color=#7B6EC5]g[/color][color=#7275C5]n[/color][color=#687CC6]m[/color][color=#5F83C6]e[/color][color=#5589C7]n[/color][color=#5F83C6]t[/color] [color=#7275C5]C[/color][color=#7B6EC5]e[/color][color=#8467C4]r[/color][color=#8E60C4]e[/color][color=#9759C3]m[/color][color=#A052C3]o[/color][color=#AA4BC2]n[/color][color=#B344C2]y[/color][/center][/h3] [h2][u]Present[/u][/h2] Craig had sent out several gargoyles, all were armed with scrolls instructions for each involved student. There was two types: the Nox students themselves and the volunteers to protect them within Craigsville. Within the notes for the latter were instructions to see Val before they departed, her forge brewing up several specialized Runes for the Nox creatures and equally disperse them among the students involved. Each rune was bound on a thick leather cord about the neck as she explained how it worked. Instead of being on always, like most runes, it was tasked with the goal to locate and alert nox energy emitting from the beasts. Whenever it was within about 4 meters of an individual with a rune then it would go off with a reddish glow and then a tingling from the direction the creature would be coming from would signal them where to attack. The most important things were to never allow it to get broken, scratched or cracked. Should the last case happen then it was advised to fling the rune as far away as possible before risking being caught in the explosion. In addition, the scrolls informed them the wagon were going to leave around Early Evening so they would make a good portion of the trip during the night. The reason was because some of the students were vampires and traveling through direct sunlight would weaken them causing issues with conserving their energy. This fact made it especially dangerous for everyone because bandits were believed to roam the [h2][u]Early Evening[/u][/h2] Craig Gray was an intimidating teacher, this was something even his students agreed on. Currently his figure was leaning upon the wagon, filled with several of his class already, the evening drawing closer. His gloved hand tapped quietly against the wagon’s edge while waiting for the last stragglers to arrive. His onyx shielded eyes darted to for the fifth time to analyze their supplies and note their route in his mind, his head finally looking over the drivers who were seasoned travelers. There would only be a brief time for mingling before they had to take off so the students had some time to get know each other. They were expected to make the most of it.