[color=Yellow][h1]Jack Carver[/h1][/color] [img]http://p1.i.ntere.st/897ab127d0c9c15ffb0c9f5722fd394c_480.jpg[/img] [h2]8:40am, Cresent High courtyard[/h2] Jack felt hands cover his eyes, totally blocking his vision of the person behind him. [color=red]"Guess who?"[/color] The girl asked with a hushed tone trying to disguise her voice, [color=red]"If you guess right, I owe you a treat and if you guess wrong, you owe ME a treat after school."[/color] Jack knew who the voice belonged to, and decided to act all suprised about it. [color=yellow]"Hmmmmm... is it David? Nooo, is it Kevin from Algebra? nooo again... I know its you Riley."[/color] He said with a sarcastic tone. He removed her hands from his eyes to find the red haired girl smiling at him. [color=yellow]"Ready for another year? I sure am. I think it's time we made the friend circle a little bigger."[/color] He looked around to find a few people who he's never seen before, like a girl sitting under the tree who had a quite large amount of pink hair all tied up, and a girl who looked spanish or at least mexican. They both sat alone, so Jack turned in his seat so that he could go great them properly but before he could he saw the familiar blonde hair of his ex girlfriend Amelia. Jack still had feelings for Amelia, hard to forget and hard to keep control feelings. He still thinks that there may be a chance of them getting back together but not right now at least, he still feels bad about that day during the summer. [h2][i][color=yellow]FLASHBACK[/color][/i][/h2] Jack asked Amelia on a date back in Sophomore year, the two always had a certain connection. They did the usual date things and they were inseperate since. However last summer Jack was having second thoughts, he liked Amelia alot, so much to the point he would say loved her, he still does. But he felt that if they continued dating and something bad was to happen to them, the group might fall apart and they would no longer be friends anymore. Not wanting that to happen he broke it off with Amelia, just wanting to be friends, one of the hardest things Jack had to do in a long time. He did it properly, not over text or on the phone, but he took her out to dinner and explained why he did it. He could tell that she was heartbroken the second he said it. He spent the rest of that week preoccupying himself with work, avoiding her for a long while. [h2][color=yellow]Present[/color][/h2] Jack waved at Amelia, calling her over to where they sat. He hoped that there wouldn't be any awkwardness between the two of them. He siked himself up, putting on the happy face that usually occupys him. [color=yellow]"Amelia, hey... Havn't seen you in a while."[/color] failing at trying to be cool about it.