Oh yeah, that whole vacuum energy thing is cool. As in, I'm good with it and it's also cool IRL. Instead I'll just keep using my nuclear reactors and sometimes antimatter because fuck you and your bourgeoisie vacuum energy. [quote=@LHG100] Yeah, it was just a joke. I like saying that. [/quote] [quote=@Ophidian] Ah. My apologies then. [/quote] Yeah I should probably clarify: When I call people "idiotic-ass fucking piles of shit" or anything else really I generally don't mean it. If I do, you'll probably be able to tell you fuckmaggot. [quote=@Lucidnonsense] Big doesnt necessarily mean "immune to weapons any sensible Type 2 civilization has" a 106 mile starship without some kind of defense system Can still be damaged by Space-Weapons such as relativistic mass drivers or Antimatter missiles, or kamikazi at relativistic speed. [/quote] This is entirely true. If anything, a 100 mile long ship (that [u][i][b]DOESN'T HAVE TURRETED MAIN GUNS[/b][/i][/u]) would be easy pickings. But there's no need to have a 100-mile long ship aside from measuring your e-peen. We all like to throw around big numbers but they usually mean nothing, just stick to verbal descriptions and if you have to use numbers do something other than punching the numpad a few times. Again, no offense intended, I just talk like this.