there was so much going on, that Luna didn't truly know what was happening. Yet she knew one thing. Those fighting to be leader didn't deserve it, and she was going to let them just squabble amougst themselves. Until the Atlantaen spoke up again. She turned to him, and said in a loud, calm voice that shocked even her, [color=fff200]"You know, you sound like some jumped started prep school-I-live-of-daddy's-money- wannabe. Just because of who and what you are, you think you are perfect to be a leader? If you think like that, or hey, even bring that into an argument, it proves that you are not worthy to be anything, let alone a leader. In case you haven't noticed, there's something special about all of us. You're just one of the crowd here, buddy"[/color] She shook her head, looking as Chris spoke to her, and now she was a little wided eyed. [i] he hitting on me?[/i] Luna,generlly shy, not wanting to approach people, had rarely been hit on. of course, you actually had to go out to get hit on, but that was beeside the point. She was about to respond, when a particularly sharp emotion had her turning her head towards Rose. She tilted her head, as if studying the other girl, and gave her a smile, before looking back to Chris. [color=fff200]"Um. Yeah. You felt curioisty when you asked that. It really isn't something I can turn off, just yet. so I feel everything. Most of the time, I can push it to the back of my conscious, but somethings it gets overwhelming. Like now" [/color] She could feel her cheeks flush, and she looked away, giving a shrug. [color=fff200]"Um. Still. Levitation is pretty cool."[/color]