[color=bc8dbf]Jin Ifriti[/color] Jin was about to respond to her sister, when everything went dark and she heard a strange voice. [color=bc8dbf]"Oh, holy hell, what's all this shit?!"[/color] She could practically hear her father admonishing her for swearing. But it had been so sudden that she couldn't help herself. [color=bc8dbf]"Naka, are you okay?"[/color] She reached out for her sister's hand. Part of her wasn't sure that this wasn't some kind of test on the school's part. "Hang on, let me see if I can't get some light in here-" She dug around for her bag and pulled out her cell, turning on the flashlight app. However, it didn't seem to be working. The phone's light was turned to maximum brightness, but she couldn't see it at all. [color=bc8dbf]"Ehh? That's weird. The phone's on, but the light's broken."[/color] Could something have ruined her phone that fast? -- [color=ed1c24]Kijani Ryane[/color] Kijani rolled her eyes when the chaos started. One day. Just one day of peace, and some quality snuggle time with Connor. Was that such a tall order? She had to admit that it was a little nerve wracking, but seeing Connor calm and unshaken made her feel better almost immediately. He was taking charge of the situation. That was new- and she had to admit, she rather liked the idea of Connor as a leader. [color=ed1c24]"Just an illusion, hm?"[/color] Kijani shut her eyes, trying to will up a few mental shielding exercises she'd been taught. Her grandmother was nothing if not thorough... though thanking Amanda Waller for anything made Kijani feel like she could vomit. Even so, she immediately started to recite poetry in her head, filling her mind and trying to block out whatever was invading it. -- [color=f7941d]Kassandra Keigwan[/color] Kassy had to admit, she wasn't expecting anything like this at all. On the first day, some kind of attack? Then again, wouldn't it make sense to take advantage of the new students who would already be confused? She was one of them, after all. She could hear someone laughing, but she didn't understand why everyone seemed to be panicking. It was as if they were all blinded. But she could see just fine... Kassy blinked a few times, suddenly understanding. Before she could speak, someone else did. A boy was confirming that it was all just an illusion. That made sense - being an illusionist herself, it was a lot harder to trick her. Kassy nervously cleared her throat and spoke up. [color=f7941d]"If anyone needs help, let me know! I've got illusions of my own - this trick isn't fooling me and I can see fine!"[/color] It wouldn't be too hard to break someone else's magic, would it?