[quote=@Stitches] [@Reapthemusic] provided I get accepted, would you be interested in a predetermined link to my character? She certainly needs someone to keep her in check; an unruly, slippery brat with a strong inclination towards deserting wouldn't simply be tossed into a taskforce without some gentle persuasion (read: bright light and copious amounts of fire) to keep her in line. It's a rough guideline and I'm not keen on developing it until I get the OK from the GM, but I wanted to know your thoughts. And if anyone else wantsto take up that role, don't hesitate to volunteer; I'm really into character development. I'm sure we can work something out. [/quote] I don't mean to come off as rude or anything, but as someone who's had the opportunity to study samurai at great length I'm afraid Tatsuji would be more interested in killing her than spawning any sort of relationship there. He's very much the ideological samurai, concerned with making a name for himself, his family, marrying a pretty wife, etc and wouldn't want to have to deal with any bratty individuals coming around and threatening his already shaky reputation (as he is now an Oni). So a predetermined relationship is out of the question. That being said, since they will be ordered to work together, he will most likely be the one to keep her in line. With that in mind, she would even then still be walking on thin ice for his temper.