After issuing an apology to hoverfly for his mistake Jacque contented himself momentarily by listening to the others speak amongst themselves yet again. After a bit of tweaking it appeared for the most part as though everyone was willing to go along with his suggestion. This pleased him greatly, but he could tell that it would take a bit of work before everyone started to act like a team. The mysterious woman had stated once more that the plan wouldn't be put into effect until tomorrow, giving him plenty of time to whip up a few potions for when the time came. First thing was first though, tempers were on the verge of flaring, and that simply wouldn't do. It was time to micromanage. After plastering a disarmingly dopey smile on his face Jacque raised his hands and waved them at the group in a sort of 'settle down' motion, "[b][color=00746b]Hey take it easy guys, no need to start firing shots at each other, let's save that for the criminals, yeah?[/color][/b]". He walked over to Joshua and began to place a hand on the prince's shoulder only to rethink the gesture halfway through and let it fall limply to his side, "[b][color=00746b]No one seems to take issue with you attacking from the water, just please be sure to coordinate with us. We need everyone on board, Your Highness[/color][/b]" he said placatingly, being certain to add in the appropriate royal title in an attempt to further soothe the sea dweller. Chris seemed able and willing to scrounge up a means of communication and everyone else was down with their part from what he could tell. That left only one thing to be sorted out. Turning from the prince Jacque made his way over to Jacklyn and hesitantly placed a hand on her shoulder after a brief mental debate as to whether or not she was as likely to break his hand for touching her as he figured Joshua was. "[b][color=00746b]Hey now, don't go shutting down on us. Fang is right; you've probably got some really valuable info we could use.[/color][/b]".