[hr][hr] [center][color=cyan][h1]Kristina Smith[/h1][/color] [img]http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lzph7uazHe1r7i94k.gif[/img] [i]Location: [i]Infirmary -> LaGrange St -> Parking Lot between 10 (Medical Garden) and Gilbert Street, -> LaGrange Street[/I] [/I][/center] [hr][hr] Kristina looked over her shoulder when she heard Niesha's voice and shifted slightly where she stood, she was actually drawn towards the smell of the food that James was cooking up. [color=cyan]"Sorry, I was actually drawn towards the smell, and I wanted to see what Chef Black James was cooking up for dinner for us."[/color] Kristina answered as she watched James a bit longer before turning to look over at Niesha again. [color=cyan]"Doc Astrid gave me some pain killers, and told me to keep off it for the next two days and come back in the morning to rewrap it. But it hurts a little bit but the pain killers should kick in pretty soon, other then that aside from the pain I'm doing fine."[/color] Kristina answered, she looked towards the kids standing around James' smoker her mouth was watering at the scent of the cooked deer. [color=cyan]"I'm not really sure honestly, Meghna or Sally may know if there are any instruments floating around here somewhere."[/color] Kristina said with a slight smile. That's when she heard the gunshots going off, she quickly went for her knife when Neisha stepped in front of her to try and protect her from any oncoming bullets. Kristina tried searching around for where the shooter was, then her eyes went down towards the kid that was shot he was laying on the ground and could see the blood starting to stain his shirt. Kristina shook her head for a moment as she watched the other kids that were around the smoker started to scramble to look for cover. Kristina looked back at Neisha as she told her to go for cover, and nodded as she watched Neisha running over towards the boy that had been shot he looked like he wasn't responding as he laid there motionless. [color=cyan]"Right, i'll make my way towards the Mess Hall."[/color] Kristina told Neisha as she turned around and started to move as quickly as she could towards the Mess Hall just further up the street. She wasn't sure if there were more coming or if whoever was shooting them was aiming at her right now, then she could hear what sounded like screeching tires but she wasn't sure if there were more coming or not. [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=6ecff6]Sophia Harris[/color][/h1] [img]http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lw0n4uFqxh1r23tzz.gif[/img] [i]location: LaGrange St (Outer Wall/Main Newnan Gate) -> LaGrange Street (Outside of the gate to the inner Newnan Gate)[/I][/center] [hr][hr] [color=6ecff6]"It's fine, like I said earlier I was pretty much cooped up in the infirmary for the past month."[/color] Sophia said with a soft smile, it wasn't his fault and she'd rather have some sort of tour on where everything was. Sophia looked back towards Tatiana and Jack and smiled at the two of them once more. That's when she had heard several shots going off, Sophia quickly bent herself over trying to make herself as small as possible from the shooter or shooters. She certainly wasn't a stranger to being shot at, but with her still recovering from last month she couldn't do much. Sophia watched Jack lay on top of her, and thought at first he had been shot but he wasn't he was simply just trying to protect her. Then what surprised her the timid Russian girl quickly got up from under Jack she got behind her and felt her wheelchair being pushed quickly down the road. Sophia held down to the armrest with her remaining hand as tightly as she could. The ride was a bit rough as Tatiana pushed her until they were at the main gate to the entrance and took cover behind a barrel near the gate. Sophia met Tatiana's eyes for a moment and nodded slightly still remaining very still and silent using the chair as cover to hide herself as best she could. [color=6ecff6]"Thank you."[/color] Sophia said quietly.