[center][h1][color=black] Jacklyn/ Shadow Ninja [/color][/h1][/center] Jacklyn felt bad at the pit of her stomach and watched as everyone shot angry comments at each other. She listened and fell more into her scarf. She felt a presence behind her and stiffened before feeling a hesitant hand on her shoulder making her look at the Simbi. The man seem kind enough. "Hey now, don't go shutting down on us. Fang is right; you've probably got some really valuable info we could use." He says kindly. Jacklyn comes out from her scarf and pulls it off her mouth looking at Simbi giving him a nod before looking at the others."[color=black]F-from experience, I have seen this done in a few ways depending on the poss. An overly cautious way is that the guards have the high view. And by high view I mean tanks,roofs and at one point I found one in a freaking crane once. Then they place the guards in the general area's around the area...even scuba-divers at one point. I am not sure if this guy will do this but its always good to be cautious.[/color]" She looks at Joshua."[color=black] Also there were men in the sewers...do you think if thats the case you could flood them? T-that's if you want of c-course.[/color]" Jacklyn felt shaky but took a deep breath."[color=black] Then there are the regular bosses. Men on the ground and a few on the perimeter. But most are in side though thats the difference the more cautious bosses have their men spread out while the regular have their men closer and more clumped together.[/color]" She smirks at that,"[color=black] but those are usually the real cowardly bastards[/color]" The ninja says clenching her fist before taking a deep breath. "[color=black] then there are the more..cocky bosses. The ones that have everything under their finger so they don't even bother trying to have guards. The most they will have are a few round abouts and done. But they are the very disorganized kind of bosses. They have no clue on what to do once everything is out of their hands.[/color]" Jacklyn says spreading both her hands out as emphasis. She shifts her feet taking a breath sounding more confidant,"[color=black] This guy probably has had a lot of experience. So he may ride on the cautious side look normal. If it is weapons then he doesn't want anyone getting in or out. So traps maybe laid...that is all I have to offer Boss wise.[/color]"