[center][h1][color=blue]EJ Porter[/color][/h1][/center] [hr] [center]Location: Cafeteria / Interaction: anyone he runs into[/center] [hr] After leaving from Mrs. Wayne class and making it through Mr. Fridley's class, Ezera found himself some interest in Mr. Shmiddt as he was able to clown with him about his Government last name sounding like it should've been his slave name. Besides clowning and joking with him, he liked that he had a brotha as a teacher that he could be cool with. Hearing about the science fair, Ezera couldn't help but wonder who he'd team with. Hopefully a group who are super productive. But he was going to trust his nubian brotha in who he chose to team with him. When it was time for lunch, Ezera put his ear buds in his ear to listen to a few hip hop songs and walked to the bathroom first and when leaving the bathroom, he made it to lunch and got into line and saw what was being served. Ezera was not that interested in what was being served but he was going to act a fool for a moment "Tch! pizza? I don't want no damn pizza....and fries? Hey...excuse me Miss Lunch Lady...If I give you some money, can you order me some chicken?....shoot...in fact....do you wanna have lunch with me? I'll be good company..." The lunch lady started to smile but rolled her eyes [color=f7941d]Boy.... you are just a baby and you couldn't handle me anyway.[/color] "Wanna bet? I bet I could handle you and then some." He smiled at the cute lunch lady in the back. The other lunch ladies were laughing as the main lunch lady laughed as well. [color=f7941d]Boy get your pizza and get out of here....[/color] She smiled "Well what's your name? Gotta know the nice miss lady that's feeding me. You're wife material." Still chuckling, the lunch lady responded [color=f7941d]I'm Miss Lunch Lady, now go on, you're holding up the line.[/color] "Alright I'll go....but you gon' see me again, Miss Lunch Lady....count on that." he said flirting and moving on with his food to go and find somewhere to sit. [@MissCapnCrunch][@RBYDark][@mskennedy615] Coming out, he looked around, not knowing if Amelia made it to lunch yet but he saw a few faces he recognized. His friend Selene AKA= Shadez, sitting with someone he have not met before, this blonde gal he thought looked pretty good. Walking towards the tables he noticed another black girl, which was usually not difficult being that usually if there's a small number of black people in a place, they'd be able to pick each other out in a crowd easily, well...others could too but there's always something about feeling comfort with there being another black student in the same school. He walked pass the table, Miss Brown Sugar was sitting where this boy was speaking to her and continued scanning the entire room for Amelia. He walked over to Where Selene and Wynona was sitting and spoke up. He turned to the others that were at that table "Hey sorry y'all. Don't mean to cut in but is Amelia here? He said asking Wynona and Selene. [@Thane] Before he could get an answer, Ezera saw his gym partner over at the senior table and rushed over to greet him "YO KAS!!!! Man get yo rugby playin, Russian mafia, Euro ho-trafficking lookin ass up and give me a dap, bruh!!" He said with a smile. "Surprised you ain't knocked anyone's ass out yet. No wait...you probably did...tell me you already did." Ezera said.