[h2][color=00a651]Rebekah Green[/color][/h2] A darkness descended over the room, and once again, she torch couldn't pierce it. Rebekah's first thought was of the power Mimic had used during their bout in the training room. This didn't seem to be him, but the person he had copied perhaps? Did one of the students in the room have shadow-based abilities, a sort of opposite to Tsura? A calm and authoritative voice spoke up, declaring that the darkness was an illusion. Sure enough, once she doubted its existence, the obscuring cloud lifted, and the room became visible once more. She could see how the rest of the students were reacting. Some, like her, had reached for light sources, others were standing up to fight, and the third main group had grabbed for support, either from their desks or each other. But nearest to her, Tsura was in a class of her own. She sure hadn't been kidding when she said she burned sun-bright. The girl-shaped silhouette shone with such a radiance that it was difficult to look at her for too long, except to note how fast she was cycling through colours. Standing as near as she was, Rebekah could feel the light on her skin, as if it were a very hot summer's day and her tanning was beginning to move towards getting a sunburn. The elemental suddenly lurched toward her, and she felt it on her face before anything else, with an near-instant tightening of her skin. She shied back with eyes squinting nearly shut, trying to see in the brightness. [color=00a651]"Whoa, hold back there!"[/color] she called. [color=00a651]"Dial it down, or you'll give the whole room a sunburn!"[/color]