[center][img]http://orig11.deviantart.net/0f0a/f/2013/320/7/a/i_do_want_to_leave_you_breathless_by_kyoux-d57cot8.png[/img] Yuki 25 Male Gay 6' Yuki is a tattoo artist who drinks too much coffee and has trouble walking past a Sephora without going in. Loud and obnoxious, he doesn't really care what other people think about him. Sometimes Yuki suffers from acting before thinking, which can get him in trouble. It can be It what he says or does. His softer side comes out when he's home and comfortable, watching cartoons and drawing snails. When he likes you, Yuki is very complimentary and flirtatious. If he doesn't like you, he usually doesn't have much to say to you. [img]http://img10.deviantart.net/2e45/i/2015/091/2/9/echo_by_kyoux-d5bnpvb.png[/img] Armand 27 Male Gay 6'4" Quiet and thoughtful, Armand likes to watch the world moving around him. Often times he does this with a spliff in hand, sitting in the park by himself. While he does enjoy his solitude, Armand thrives around the few people in his life he cares deeply for. It's these few who keep him grounded and from becoming a bit of a hermit. Working at a bar on the weekends and going to class for his master's in gender studies and psychology during the rest of the week, Armand cherishes his free time. He like swimming and reading and secretly enjoys pajamas with footies. But there are only a very select few who know that last fact. [img]http://orig06.deviantart.net/972e/f/2014/127/3/6/the_little_things_by_kyoux-d5idzfb.png[/img] Yuki and Armand These two have been together for three years now, having moved in with each other a little over a year ago. They are very much the yin to each other's yang, Yuki being a bit of a wild card and Armand an anchor. Through out their relationship they have rarely argued or fought. Communication is an important aspect of their relationship. Which is why they have no problem bring other people into their lives. A few times They have mutually become interested in a third party, inviting that person into their bed and love lives. [img]http://pre01.deviantart.net/16e0/th/pre/f/2012/320/d/6/my_territory_by_kyoux-d5fj99e.png[/img][/center]