[center][i][b][h3][color=59EEE9]Abbie Ollah McGumffery[/color][/h3][/b][/i] [img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/3975b96bfbf93e617495ee2fd1c55536/tumblr_nsrfjddDiT1rkem6ho7_540.gif[/img] [url=https://66.media.tumblr.com/271f3cfe0aa68731b1ed8cb9946bc1c8/tumblr_n811s0xzBS1qbmf9wo1_500.jpg][u]Outfit[/u][/url] [b][color=59EEE9]Location:[/color][/b] Home --> School/Cafeteria [b][color=59EEE9]Interacting:[/color][/b] Clydey [@Klaykid] | Derek [@alexfangtalon] | Poetry [@LovelyAnastasia] [/center] [hr][hr] [center][i][color=59EEE9]"Veeery obvious."[/color][/i] She purred, giving him a smirk. She nodded along while the chalky pizza crust rubbed against the roof of her mouth as she chewed. Some might have called it disgusting and some might have said that it tasted better than good. But for Abbie, it was just neutral. Not bad but sure as heck not good. [color=59EEE9]"Ugh...Depends on what it is Clydey. Don't like the way you're playing with your hands."[/color] She replied, lowering the pizza in her right hand. She took another bite before he asked if something was up. Friends care about each other. It's not just a one-sided deal you're getting into when you become someone's so-called "best friend." Inseparable. A bond that most obtain but cannot keep. In Abbie's mind, however, the definition of her friendship with Clyde might have been a bit different that his. While she comes to him for advice, it's never for something of much importance. The thought of imposing on his sweet self-made Abbie's stomach turn. His problems were hers but her own were up to her own intellect to solve. Besides, she didn't have problems. She just had a bit of bad luck. She looked down at his hand with a curious look as he rubbed her arm. An eyebrow was raised as she chuckled. Is he trying new friendship techniques again? [color=59EEE9]"Nah man. Y'know, my dad. Just being the father of the year as usual!"[/color] Her laugh was bitter but lively nonetheless. A laugh of evident glee to drown out the lack of sincerity. But Abbie's bright smile was now apparent once again as she looked up with a mouth full of pizza. [color=59EEE9]"Hell yeah. I'm always up for ice cream."[/color] The moment she heard Derek's voice, Abbie internally groaned. Here was the guy that apparently had a "crush" on her. Or whatever the fuck he was calling it with his whole "I'm a badass" thing he's got going on. Usually, the words that came out of that mouth of his just flew out the other side of her head. However, this time, it was different. Someone...messing with Clydey? [i]My[/i] Clydey? The thought of that made her furious. At that moment, a bright sunflower came into view as Poetry placed her hand on Abbie's shoulder. Any other day, Abbie would have said something sweet, something that could have even counted as flirting. But this wasn't the time so Abbie put on a soft smile and ruffled her hair. [color=59EEE9]"Hey Poetry. Good mornin."[/color] she said as the girl walked off to greet some others. Now, her attention was back on Derek. [color=59EEE9]"Gombeen?"[/color] She grit her teeth and continued to speak. [color=59EEE9]"The fuck's that? You mean Jackoff?"[/color] Abbie turned to Clyde with a look of worry and anger. [color=59EEE9]"Jackoff messed with you?"[/color] Abbie looked over at Jake with a look that could kill. A fire burning in her eyes before she snapped her head over to Derek. [color=59EEE9]"What'd he do? I swear to fucking god. If he laid a hand on him, I've got a bat in my bag that I'm just [i]really[/i] not afraid to use."[/color] Abbie cracked her knuckles and snapped her neck. That last statement was a bit of an overstatement. Abbie would hurt him but she's smarter than to get rough with someone on the first day of school. She would do something if she [i]saw[/i] he lay his hands on him. But it all depended on what Derek responded with. [/center]