[center][h3]Blutland[/h3] [b]1910[/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/uzwF5sf.png[/img][/center] [center][b]Arrival at the accord[/b][/center] The meeting room was well decorated for the rather dire tone between all parties involved. Had this been twenty years ago war between the two giants would have broken down and likely thousands would have died, but it was a sign of change. Diplomacy was the first option and for some the only option when it comes to relatively minor disputes. Neither nation felt the need to enforce their claim on the Island, not without the right justification. Minor greetings between all parties were given, even the Tyrians managed to swallow their pride and greet the Blutlandic Diplomats. After introductions each party then explained the situation as if anyone had arrived ill prepared for the entire reason they had come in the first place. Seizing the opportunity Roman Hettinger began to speak, well dressed as ever he wore a fine suit and a clean top hat. “After the recent invasion of the Tyro-Antari troops on the Islands trade has been severely dampened. We wish to see this issue reimbursed fully whether the Tyrians continue to lay claim to the territory or the Estalians take what we believe to be rightfully theirs.” He paused for a second to assess the room, “I can however understand if the Tyrians wish to continue to impede the rights of another sovereign nation as they do to so many others.” [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/37/51/71/3751715f476038a4e72c4ab82fa4bfa2.jpg[/img] [i]Roman Hettinger, 1910[/i][/center] [center][b]The Great fire of Titum[/b][/center] After a recently fire killing nearly 312 people in Titum, Blutland many are left homeless and mourning. A ceremony on March 28th, 2 days after the incident, was held and attended by King Arnold von Titanus and Duke Eduard II. “It is a great tragedy what has happened within our lands. A ball of passion and love, resulting in ultimate despair. When I was king of these lands we took great pride in the unity we shared. The unity I have come to share. It warms my heart knowing that our new King is so willing to do the same.” Duke Eduard II was quoted to have said, before introducing the King to the podium. “Thank you, Duke Eduard. I have traveled a great distance to come mourn the loss of 312 men, women, and children whom lost their lives. Lives lost at to young of an age, taken away cruelly and without mercy, no without purpose. I understand the anger felt towards the lost we have today both sudden and cruel as fate may be. However, we must remember one thing. One truth to the words that I speak. We are Blutlanders. United together now, more than ever. Remember the lives they got live, one of a strong peoples. One of the strongest of peoples. We face many hardships, many losses, and yet they endured. So I ask that you try and do the same. It will never get easy, but pride yourself in the strength to survive loss.” [center][img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/9a/Lebreton_Flats_after_1900_fire.jpg[/img] [i]Aftermath of the Great Fire of Titum, March 27th 1910[/i][/center] [hider=Accord Actions] Roman Hettinger pushes Trade Rights issue by +5 (-1 due to rights issue) in Blutland’s direction[/hider]