[center][h2]James Varrock,The Guardian|Hyrule Fields[/h2][/center] [center][@ProPro][@Scarifar][@Suku][/center] [b]"Guardian!"[/b] James grunted, already rolling to the left as she brought her shotgun to bear against him. Enough training matches in the Crucible had taught him that allowing anyone with a shotgun to get in a certain range would spell the end of the fight for him. "I'm not blind, Ghost." The rounds hit the ground and...exploded? While it was odd, James had no time to consider the cause as the shotgun's owner came tumbling through the kicked up dust and the smoke and landed with her shotgun aiming where the Guardian had come to a stop as he brought up the Ace of Spades. [color=royalblue]"You wanna try that again?! HUH?! YOU LIKE SHOOTING AT GIRLS THAT ARE JUST TRYING TO STOP PEOPLE FROM FREAKING OUT?! DON'T UNDERESTIMATE THE GOD OF DAMAGE!"[/color] She would then find the barrel of his hand cannon level with her face and it could be presumed that his look was very unimpressed beneath his helmet. "Nice name. But I can think of a dozen reasons your running down a young woman on a...Ghost, what is that thing?" His little crimson buddy floated around and scanned the still panicking animal and issued a surprised exclamation. [b]"Guardian, it's a horse! A genuine horse! This is remarkable, the Warlocks all thought the majority of native wildlife on Earth were wiped out during the Collapse! Oh, Ikora will want to see this!"[/b] While Ghost continued to get scans and likely file them away in his databanks, James continued on. "Right, were was I? Oh right." His hammer clicked back. "I can think of a dozen reasons your running down another young woman on a horse would look bad, God of Damage. And as a Guardian, letting that happen just isn't something I can do." He glanced up and noted that a young girl with a rather large and unusual sword was approaching as was another person on a horse, this one looking more like one of the average citizens from around the Last City, albeit more...vintage. However, he remembered that this 'God of Damage' had been chasing the girl to try and calm her and he placed the hammer forward and spun the Ace of Spades before holstering it at his hip. "I apologize for taking a warning shot since it seems to have disrupted your attempt to calm her. But next time, remember how things look to those who don't know. Now then, are we on Earth by chance? Maybe somewhere the Hive or the Fallen haven't turned into a part of their personal playgrounds if you have horses?" Ghost had since floated away from the horse back to James' side and phased back into where ever it was he stayed while James went about his daily business.