[hr][hr][center][h1][i][b][color=steelblue]Ash Holloway[/color][/b][/i][/h1] [img]https://31.media.tumblr.com/bcfab66a674d39bfaaddc28bd62d4470/tumblr_inline_ne41kcr5UN1s5par2.jpg[/img][/center] [hr][center][b]Location:[/b] LaGrange Street, nearing the Inner Gate [/center][hr][hr] [color=steelblue][i]This was bound to happen, Ash. You did nothing to prevent it.[/i][/color] Ashton heard the shots plainly, just like everyone else. Somehow, he knew exactly who was responsible. That didn’t stop his suspicions from flaring at the new arrivals, at least for the first half second of his decision-making process. Then Dick drawled out the news about Zoie, or “Daisy” as he pet named her. [color=steelblue][i]They’re sending a message. It’s to her, but you heard it too, didn’t you?[/i][/color] Captain Holloway gave Dick a one word response, [color=steelblue]”Understood.”[/color] but continued speaking to everyone with a radio, [color=steelblue]”Sound the General Alarm, we’re under attack. Active security, hold our lines and report, engage if you can. Anyone who’s cleared and able, report to the Armory and prepare to defend your home. You know the drill.”[/color] The security detail directly around the group on LaGrange looked to Ash, as if he was going to give some order or speech that may magically fix things. Didn’t really work that way. Never did. Still, they needed to hear [i]something[/i] from him. Ash set a determined look to his eye and pulled his .45, chambering a round in a fluid motion. The two on escort (one carrying the bear fur bundle, the other slinging a carbine) looked slightly indecisive, so he gave them something to do. [color=steelblue]”Follow after Tatiana and take Zoolie with you. Get them indoors and safe. Go!”[/color] Ash jogged after the now speedier procession, determined to ensure that his people (even the very new ones) got to relative safety before himself. And if he saw anyone who even hinted at Eden… Ashton Holloway was in a killing mood. [color=steelblue][i]Going to do something about it now, Captain?[/i][/color] [hr][hr][center][h1][i][b][color=c0c0c0]The Great Bazhooli[/color][/b][/i][/h1] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/0c830ac3-637e-4722-a654-d4192b0bd4c2.jpg[/img][/center] [hr][center][b]Location:[/b] LaGrange Street, nearing the Inner Gate [/center][hr][hr] All he wanted was a snack. Ok, ok… maybe not [i]all[/i] he wanted, I mean, he had high hopes for this place when he stepped inside about two minutes ago. Now, well, they also had problems. Build a place with people, with crops, with animals and children and hope, there was always going to be someone that wanted to control it or destroy it. From the looks of these people, they knew it, too. It wasn’t just sunshine and good intentions here. They were armed. More, they’ve been practicing. Now all The Great Bazhooli wished was that he was armed, too. What else was there to do, but listen to the grim man with the hand cannon? He wanted to help, in theory anyway. This might be a home. His assertion of [color=c0c0c0]”Give me back stuff! I can help!”[/color] was received with a glare from the Captain and a curt nod in the direction they were all moving. Worth a try. Instead of taking up arms alongside these people, Bazhooli had to settle for jogging forward with a very angry man just behind. [hr][hr][center][h1][i][b][color=orangered]Bridgette Vinters[/color][/b][/i][/h1] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/d5/b4/78/d5b478ac0063ce48f5bab3cb5648b0a1.jpg[/img][/center] [hr][center][b]Location:[/b] Near the Burial Site, just east of the Inner Wall -> Perry Street, between Building 9 (School) and F, headed toward Armory [/center][hr][hr] Bridgette didn't have the advantage of a radio at her disposal. All she knew was that shots rang out, and the few people that she could see on the Walls were engaged in a flurry of activity. Her sense of heightened awareness, being out in this part of Newnan, rolled over into a full-blown certainty of combat. Her mount, Cadence, was trained for exactly this kind of situation. Not charging down the barrel of guns, mind you, but reacting minimally to the loud noises that inevitably occur with battle. The horse tensed for a fraction of a second at the first shot, instinct fighting to override training unsuccessfully. Bridgette noted this and leaned down to pat Cadence's neck, whispering, [color=orangered]"Good boy. Let's get back, now."[/color] Her charger lived up to the title, crossing the distance in quick strides. The general alarm sounded right about then, just as Bridgette reached the Inner Wall's bottommost eastern gate. Slowing her horse (but not stopping), she called out to the guard stationed, [color=orangered]"C'mon c'mon c'mon! Crack that momma open! There's people to fuck up, and I gotta arm better than this bullshit!"[/color] A quick inspection of the area surrounding showed no hostiles within running distance, and the gate slid open just enough to admit one horse and determined rider. Surveying the situation as best she could in the seconds provided, Bridgette took off on her horse, fast and quiet (well, as quiet as one can be on a horse), hugging the buildings on her way to her intended destination: Tomory. Her Point B was waylaid. Interrupted by a little girl laying in a pool of dark vermillion with a soccer ball moving listlessly nearby. Longish blonde hair done up in pigtails lay at unattractive angles next to her temples, one dipped in blood. She looked a little like Bridgette, even, when she was younger. It took the tall woman a moment to realize that there were other kids there that saw this happen, still present. Bridgette revised her strategy of keeping close to building and hauling ass, struck by revulsion and sorrow. [color=orangered]…some fucker targeting [i]children[/i]…”[/color] she hissed, dismounting Cadence and moving to the girl. This had just happened. Just. Bridgette took a moment to see if anything could be done for the girl, aside from mercifully destroying her brain. She wanted to weep, just as much as she needed to hold it back. Brash, violent, vulgar, crass… but she wasn’t [i]evil[/i]. She had seen and caused a fair amount of violent death, but targeting schoolkids playing soccer? It made her want to cry. That was soulless. [color=orangered]”Goddamnit kids, get in a building now! GET THE FUCK INSIDE! Stay there till you hear the “All Clear”, got it?!”[/color] [hr][hr][center][h1][color=firebrick]Black James![/color][/h1] [img]https://v.cdn.vine.co/r/avatars/6AE78329E91063505631975227392_pic-r-1396533712688c4afde8ecf.jpg.jpg?versionId=ZnGOSit0zozlhxpJk0w6QVx4cSozVRdq[/img][/center] [hr][center][b]Location:[/b] Parking Lot between [b]10[/b] (Medical Garden) and Gilbert Street - Present location of his Smoker --> Gilbert Street headed to Building 1 (Courthouse) [/center][hr][hr] My, but he put his foot in it this time. Quiet work, standing about with a deer in his smoker. Promises of a fine gravy. But no, the esteemed Mr. James Mandingo Grady (Black James(!), tout suite.) longed to be included, or at least informed of the obvious goings on in and around sunny Newnan. A little something interesting to break up the monotony of standing alone next to his beloved smoker. In the back of his mind, he indeed made the single, unuttered wish for an event with which he could assist, a bit of company during his meaty labors, or maybe some radio chatter he could listen in on, aside from the regular “checking in” and “all’s well”. A very unsettling turn of events transpired instead. Lily’s death. Then the knowledge that she came back as a Walker and tried to eat Zoie, his only pre-Outbreak friend left. Now, a kid gets dropped right in front of him, courtesy of very unfriendly fire. James honestly now wished that he was merely barbecuing meat. The redhead, Niesha, made an appearance about two seconds before all Hell broke loose. She had mentioned something about his smokery, the older man about to respond with a broad smile before the subsonic flying piece of metal aerated a kid that was just starting out in life, right in front of them. His smile evaporated, and his 9mm found its way into his right hand in less than a second. Furtive glances around told him nothing, but did remind him that there were others, kids and other not-quite-adults milling about. They were startled. They were in danger. And they were afraid. James had to do something. He ran over to Niesha, where the kid lay with fixed eyes. If he wasn’t dead, he was well on his way. The ebon Hogger reached his free hand down to grab the downed teen’s belt, lifting him from the blacktop with a strength built from adrenaline and a lifetime of hard labor. [color=firebrick]”Ahright, listen up! We all movin’ into the Courthouse. NOW!”[/color] James kept his eyes high and his gun ready, giving the older children present an authoritative voice to listen to and a goal to achieve.