(CS Edited... Baker) Lucia couldn't help it, she new she shouldn't but her sense of nice left somewhere between the fourth and fifth time his fist landed on her door, she laughed. It wasn't just any laugh, she was laughing at him as if she were insanely amused by this. It might have been her exhaustion, or maybe it had just been too long since she had laughed so hard, but she found herself inadvertently snorting. She slapped her hand over her mouth, and laughed harder. Her hand slid from her face to the base of her throat as her other hand fanned her face as she desperately tried to catch her breath. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't laugh. You very obviously believe what you are saying." She said as she turned around to scoop her apron off the floor. She turned back towards him while digging in the pocket of the apron. "Listen, I don't know what acting agency the guys hired you from, but you are good." She pulled a $20 bill out of her apron and reached over tucking it in his breast pocket. "I mean, REALLY good. Do you have like a business card or something? Cuz I can definitely get you more work. We have this massive prank war, and I have to say this is probably the best" She paused for a minute running her hands through her hair pushing it out of her face. It should have helped, but it sadly just made her already disheveled hair frizzy. "Wait... unless this isn't a prank. Is it one of those Candid Camera things?" She demanded as she leaned out the door way trying to peek around him to see if she could spot the camera. She straightened with a pout, she was disapointed, not that there was no camera, but that she was going to have to concede defeat to her friends because there was no way she was ever going to come up with anything to beat this. She gave him a smile, and it was one of her genuine smiles. She had a work smile, which looks very real, until you look closely. Her real smile was bright, and carefree it was a smile of a person who really did not care what anyone said or thought. "I'm not even mad you woke me up. This is the best laugh I have had in forever." She took a step back and began to close the door.