The stout skeleton relaxed at the feeling of Frisk's cool fingers wrapped around his own. He wouldn't let her take on the responsibility of telling them, but for her to be there with him... It made it just a bit more bearable. He wasn't comfortable doing it by any means, and his chest still constricted at the thought of sitting Papyrus down to have the same conversation they'd already had in another timeline, but if Frisk was there, then he could manage it one more time. However, when she began to freak out about what everyone would think, his confidence plummeted. Sans wasn't sure what to do. He himself wasn't comfortable talking to the others about this, so what did she expect him to say? What did she expect him to do? Say it would be alright and walk her through it all? Fat chance. He could hardly think of going through every detail without needing to vomit, so how was he supposed to support her? There had to be something he could do or say to calm her down, something that would give her the same confidence she'd given him. Nothing came to mind. Sans was completely and utterly lost in this situation. He was pretty clever, or so he liked to think, but there was nothing he could think to say. Did that mean there was no answer? No way he could reassure Frisk? He took a shaky breath, soul aching at the thought of being so useless right now. Surely there was something, some witty pun or joke he could make that would have the answer. Hell, even he'd been mad at Frisk at first, but now....-! That was it! He suddenly looked at Frisk, placing a bony hand on her shoulder,"hey, ya know, i... i was upset at first too. undyne... she's probably gonna want to be alone for a little while, but she just.... she'll need space to wrap her head around it all. she'll cool off. all of them will. they just need time to think on it. take it all in." God he hoped that was the right thing to say. His knees were shaking ever so slightly, and magic was rushing through his head in a bundle of nerves.