[@POOHEAD189] a) Eugh, don't remind me. Bloody vampires running around talking all the time and being diplomatic. That's the real problem with them, they stop everyone from being barbarians and having fun with wanton murder. Hogging up the session with useless things like story. It's the worst b) I understand you asking us to check with you before we post, but honestly it's pretty impractical to message you before every post and wait for hours for a reply (not your fault, different time zones.) Perhaps if you made these things clearer in your posts? Like describing the rarity of these items a bit more precisely, for example how none of us should know what Guaren juice is if it's so restricted. Or what the necklaces actually look like instead of being a nebulous object, I wanted to describe it and only said they all looked different so people wouldn't be locked into one option