It felt like a storm, rain and lightning making the air dense and the pressure high. Yet once Vincent passed through that 'barrier' and entered what he only could explain as a 'Domain' that was the campus ground he was immediately met with tranquility and sunshine. It was such a peaceful place, almost like if it was the eye of the storm. He shuddered to the change but didn't mind it as it had almost been instant. He walked over the campus ground towards what looked like the dormitory, there he was met with the seven small huts that made it up. It was a strange number, but Vincent assumed it was meant to be lucky or something. He saw many students come and go from the different doors, noticing that a a large number of students just came and went without problems. Yet he knew the reason, and as he pulled up the key card from his pocket and put it into the door he was curious as to what would happen. A lamp lit up, and as he opened the door he was met with a Dark Gothic room. It had a relatively Gender natural built, and relied heavily on the dark themes and Gothic displays, enough so to make him roll his eyes. He walked inside and the door closed behind him and just like that he was inside his own pocket dimension created by someone of great power but no taste in decoration... He didn't mind too much, it was better than having the fairy type room, which he had heard was super girly. He unpacked his things and then left the door room, he noticed that he left from another door than the one he entered which was quite Cool in a way. Eager to learn more about this place he headed to the front where there was a gathering of students for the new year welcome speech.