[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjE3OC42MDBlMGIuUzJGei4wAAAAAAAA/germanika-personal-use.regular.png[/img][/center] Kas just sat in the same spot finishing his pizza and slowly biting away at his fries, which absolutely fucking sucked without ketchup. The atmosphere at the table was a little awkward and he’d occasionally catch someone glaring at him, but they would look down or away as soon as he shot one back. The blonde asshole had yet to return so when someone suddenly placed their hands on his shoulders it did indeed startle him a little. His first instinct was to shoot up off his legs and throw his head back at the same time, hopefully breaking the fuckers nose but luckily he took the time to look at the hands over his shoulders first. Small female hands. He tilted his head around enough to see that this newcomer was the beautiful and fantastical Poetry Sundance. Kas couldn’t help but grin at her presence, a grin that showed no sign of faltering as the girl spoke. [color=f6989d]"Now, what do we have here~" she laughed lightly, "Not playing nicely, are we~? What a peculiar hobby~" She beamed gently down at him, removing her hands as if to proclaim her innocence. "All that quarreling will give you indigestion~" she hummed, with a wink, "Of course I could just give you a hug to cure you of all your amped up arrgo, Kassy Boy~ Not sure it'd do much for your rep though~"[/color] “But you see now darling what point does a reputation have if it doesn’t help me get hugs from my appealing peers?” Kas spoke, his grin turning into a cheeky smirk. [color=2e3192]"YO KAS!!!! Man get yo rugby playin, Russian mafia, Euro ho-trafficking lookin ass up and give me a dap, bruh!!" He said with a smile. "Surprised you ain't knocked anyone's ass out yet. No wait...you probably did...tell me you already did." Ezera said.[/color] Kas quickly spun out from the table and got to his feet, laughing the whole time and quickly fist bumping his friend. “I’ve only hit two people in the entire three months I’ve been in this country bro, you giving me too much credit and anyhow, beautiful Poetry here just offered to soothe my aggression.” He smiled, turning back to the whimsical girl. She was smaller than he remembered, almost a head and neck shorter than him. He leaned his head in slightly. “You know, I’d tell you to stop dipping into your parents stash but I dip into my own all the time and as far as I know I’ve never spoken like a character from Alice in Wonderland.” He whispered before laughing a little and smiling. “So, can I have that hug Poetry from Wonderland?” He asked, his features softening as his eyebrows raised in that inquisitive way.