Butch followed Blondii at a slower pace letting her get quite ahead of him, Megaton wasn't that big of a town she really couldn't get in that much trouble. His gaze slipped over the city and across the jagged wasteland to the cliffs overlooking the area. There tucked away and hidden was the place he used to call home. Vault 101. He took a deep breath as pangs of longing and regret tightened in his chest. Home. He missed it. The dark space the winding halls. The ceiling, damn he missed the ceiling. This sky, the wide open spaces gave him the jitters all the time. He gave a last longing look before tugging the zipper of his 101 jumpsuit all the way and hunched his shoulders to the openness. He sure missed his jacket right about now. Speaking of which he couldn't help but smile as he noticed the small signs of Blondii's passing. Micky the water beggar was nursing a fresh bottle of purified water, the sniper guard had a huge grin on his face and even the old tin bucket of a robot seemed a bit more chipper. The quirk of a smile stayed with him as he sauntered down to the Brass Lantern. Sidling onto a stool at the bar outside he placed a few caps on the counter knowing Jenny Stahl would get him what he wanted, which was a nice strong scotch. Meanwhile Blondii was on her way up the catwalks humming a little tune, when she noticed the dark haired man settled along the edge of the walkway. Well more she noticed the weapon slung across his back, it was unique and not one she'd ever seen before. This peaked her curiosity instantly, barely containing her excitement she walked up to him. "This seat taken?" She asked, a gentle smile accompanying her question.