[color=ed1c24][h1]Amelia Rashfree[/h1][/color] [hr] [h2] Interactions Sadie [@alexfangtalon], Kas [@Thane] and Ezera [@King Tai][/h2] [hr] Amelia was still crying as she looked around the Cafeteria. "I see Ezera probably should go and talk to him" She put on a fake smile and started walking over to where Ezera was, trying to stop crying as her bruises and marks were showing still as she hadn't covered them while still crying as she realised she needed to get some waterproof makeup as she walked up towards Ezera and saw that Kas was there as well as she put on a fake smile even though tears were rolling down her cheeks and her bruises were on full view to them as she ran over to Ezera and hugged him tightly while crying and she then turned around. "Hey Kas" She smiled to him gently. "Heya Ezera" She hugged him again and smiled, still crying.