[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/77ZNPuV.jpg[/img][/center] [hr] Aliron didn't move at the sound of footsteps and waited until the door closed before getting up and looking at what had been brought in. Soup? Of course the kidnappers were too cheap to get anything else. Not that Aliron didn't like soup. He just didn't like that [i]they[/i] had decided to give him soup. Never the less he'd been planning to eat all he could at the party and that plan had backfired severely so he was now rather hungry. Besides, with nothing better to do Aliron began eating his chicken noodle soup, ignoring the bread until he dipped it in the broth and slowly consumed it at the end. Then he'd lay down on his bed again, jeez they could've at least given him a TV or something.