Name:Shard Race:shade class:nightmare spells: Undeath(becomes a random beast to fight) DreamCast(the caster forces others to be drowsy/fall asleep) Rot(structures without a strong magic shield has a decay rate 400x the normal speed.{trees included}) Nightmare(sleeping targets or ones with relive the past experiences of most horror usually results in breakdowns, lack of movement, and fear. Description: a wizard of dark magic that was gifted his newfound powers by the demons, as a shade is almost impossible to see except for the uneasy feeling you get when it is near. The powers it draws is from hell so any holy paladins can detect it with ease. has a distaste for nature, a strong distaste. This shade loves shiny things and is always drawn to jewels and valuable items. the shade only speaks in others mind. Obelisk: whenever someone gives him permission to enter the world they live in this structure appears in a random location. The structure is about 5 feet tall and 3 feet in length and width. when it appears the structure starts oozing a dark liquid, this liquid kills all plant-life that it touches with a spreading rate of that of molasses. When destroying the Obelisk only one thing can damage it[Powerful holy magic]. "I never invade peoples worlds, im always invited to the party" [i]Shard[/i]~ ~hellp