[h1][center][color=yellow]Cameron Blackwood[/color][/center][/h1] [hr] *SSSKKKKKRRRR!* [color=yellow]"Oh fu-!"[/color] Cameron stopped the car as it had almost flipped over and hit the person. ([@LovelyAnastasia]) The car had nearly flipped over, but unfortunately Cameron didn't put his seat belt on, ad he slammed his head into the window on the left side of him in the interior of the car. Cameron grunted, and practically bounced back from the hit. The window wasn't broken, and Cameron wasn't bleeding, but Cameron's vision almost doubled at the impact of it. He stared at the girl who was in the way for a second. What the heck? He thought, she saw the car didn't she? She should've moved! Cameron groaned, as he opened the window open with the simple press of the button. He thought of something to say, without being impolite. But right now, he wanted to scream at her. No words. Just a simple loud terrifying scream would do enough to show how angry he was. But it was probably his fault as well, considering he was going faster than he should have been. Cameron sighed, and bit his lip. [color=yellow]"Um? Sorry, err... person."[/color] Cameron said. It was just some girl. She seemed teenage by the looks of it, probably around the late teen years. [color=yellow]"Hi."[/color] Cameron said in an awkward manner, he didn't really know what to say to the kid. If he didn't stop right there, he would've trampled her, how can someone just easily apologize about something like that? [color=yellow]"You ..uh... okay?"[/color]