[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/sgJ8bPj.png[/img] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/0e/92/37/0e92379292405e0f4349398569050dac.jpg[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/HvxY2uW.png[/img] [b]Location:[/b] Cafeteria [b]Interactions:[/b] | [color=4BD8E8][b]Abbie McGumffery[/b][/color] [@sakurasan] | [color=olive][b]Derek O'Leary[/b][/color] [@alexfangtalon] | [img]http://i.imgur.com/HvxY2uW.png[/img] [/center] Clyde could only give Abbie a half-hearted smile as she bottled herself up. But he knew she was a strong girl who could pick herself up. He wished there was something he could do, anything, to make life a bit easier for her. Even if it meant sacrificing his own happiness. [center][color=olive][b]"Hey Perfection, Clydesdale. Clyde gotta ask you doin' better today? Gombeen ain't messin' with ya since yesterday?"[/b][/color][/center] It was Derek. Clyde waved to his new friend, delighted to have another person chat with him at lunch. Now that expanded his friend group to two! That's one more than the previous number. It seems things are looking up- Wait. Clyde knew that expression on Abbie's face. That same expression that could cause volcanoes to erupt, the crust of the Earth to slide, hurricanes to form, and terrify Mr. Peterson's poor Pomeranian. A gal named Poetry stopped by momentarily to say hello to Abbie, and Clyde hoped this would distract her enough to lose focus. But as soon as Poetry left, Abbie's expression hardened. The boy could feel sweat forming on his brow. “Hey now, Ab, uh...” [center][color=4BD8E8][b]"Gombeen?"[/b][/color][/center] “Listen, it ain't nothin'-” [center][color=4BD8E8][b]"The fuck's that? You mean Jackoff? Jackoff messed with you?"[/b][/color][/center] “Well, yeah, but... uh... it wasn't nothin' bad. I mean-” [center][color=4BD8E8][b]"What'd he do? I swear to fucking god. If he laid a hand on him, I've got a bat in my bag that I'm just really not afraid to use."[/b][/color][/center] Then she popped her knuckles and cracked her neck. Jesus Christ. Was she really going to kill him this time? There certainly were close calls before. Clyde looked to Derek with a face that read, '[i]for the sake of God please don't encourage her[/i].' [center][color=olive][b]"Really all he did was call him freak unless there was some underlying meaning behind a few of his other words. Other than that he didn't really pay much attention to Clyde. The muppet seemed to preoccupied trying to defend 'his turf'."[/b][/color][/center] [i]Say something. Say something. Say something. Say something. Say something.[/i] Clyde slammed his hands on the table ferociously and quickly looked to both Derek and Abbie with wide eyes. “Woahcrazyweatherwe'rehavingright?” He looked to Abbie. “I saw Mr. Peterson walking his Pomeranian this morning it was the cutest thing I have ever seen.” Then to Derek. “My favorite type of flower is the Hawaiian Hibiscus I grow them at home.” Back to Abbie. “I'm actually lactose intolerant! But I still enjoy a bit of ice cream from time to time.” Clyde sat back in his chair with his hands in his lap. He felt everything went according to plan. But the air about the cafeteria said otherwise.