[h1]The Republic of Staratia[/h1] The response from the government to the protesters was carefully made as none wanted to lose votes in the next election in 1916 , an election that took long because of the massive population of Staratia and something that was sacred to all Staratians as well , and the many parties in the nation had to look for every vote as the population is certainly divided on many ideologies some going for socialism , some others to nationalism and so on . At the beginning of the debate to see what to do about the protesters , the socialist party made some remarkable speech about the rights of the workers and the need to increase their rights in the nation , the nationalist said that they should be incremented in wage but not given more rights , the liberals sided with the socialist on this one and the conservative also agreed with the nationalist , but the most radical party one that was ultranationalist said that they should simply put they down by the police and returned to the their workplace in order no not disturb the economy. All of these opinions were given in the course of a week , until a final vote was called and each member of the congress was called to vote on a solution for the protests , the tension between parties was obvious and everyone wanted to win and winning here means winning more votes outside as the press was allowed during the debates along with some leaders of the syndicates being able to speak in front of the entire congress. At the end the socialist and liberalist won the issue and gave an speech in front of the miners in Gustavia, Staratia , they promised them rights and higher wages , the laws they wanted to implement would cost the government $1 Billion in order to affect all the nation and not only miners there , the laws would come into function next year along with higher wages and all of this had to be coordinated with the respective companies in order to not cause a economic problem in the long run. However , this was not all , the socialist had promised , to the rest of the parties , to not press any issue and calm the waves of workers in the near future and they did as they were told to , for the sake of more achieving their political goals in the future and not causing too much pression in the government.