I felt his strengths outweighed his weaknesses so gave him a couple extra. Hope he's okay, but I'm fine with making adjustments if needed. I also made his parents intelligent and talented because I thought it'd be far more likely that they'd be recruited/allowed into the vault that way. Edit: Had to replace the Wasteland Survival Guide since it hadn't been written yet. [hider=Duncan Ward] [center][img]http://www.clashmusic.com/sites/default/files/styles/article_feature/public/field/image/Clash99_JackO'Connell_3.jpg?itok=B2g-ut2l[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Duncan Ward [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Faction:[/b] Dweller [hr] [b]Backstory:[/b] Duncan was born in the year of 2075 in Denver, Colorado. He’s the son of Jessica Ward, an extremely talented engineer and scientist who worked on cryogenic engineering before and as it turned out after the war. His father John Ward was a decorated sergeant in the U.S army who was recruited by Vault-Tec whilst he was on leave. They had the connections to get him honourably discharged, offered to almost triple his salary, said they were willing to house his family in a vault if the worst came to pass and it meant he’d see his wife and son a hell of a lot more. It was a quadruple win. Both ended up working for Vault-Tec and when the nukes dropped on October 23rd, 2077 they were all already housed safely inside the vault. The family was frozen and defrosted (ha!) periodically over the next 150 years and as promised they were always kept active (unfrozen) and inactive (asleep/frozen) at the same times. John became one of the vault security guards and later a security chief, his military skills making him highly efficient in both positions. His mom worked on the cryogenic functions of the vault, making sure everything kept working as it should and occasionally helping with other scientific endeavors. Duncan grew up spending equal amounts of time with both of his parents. His mom taught him the basics of engineering and science and instilled a love of knowledge and learning into the boy. His father for his part made sure his son grew up disciplined and strong. Duncan respected both as people and although he would occasionally rebel he did very much love and appreciate them. He excelled in the classroom but ultimately wanted to become a security officer like his father. He loved weapons, enjoying reading about them and tinkering on them. His father taught him how to maintain them as well, although he never actually shot one. He also loved how his dad got to know everyone in the vault and wanted the same in his line of employment. Unfortunately for him his own academic success worked against him. The Overseer argued that making someone so obviously intelligent a mere guard would be a waste of resources, so Duncan was assigned to instead be his mother's apprentice. He was disappointed for a while, but soon learned to love his work. It was important stuff after all, he was training to be one of the people who made it possible for families to stay together over the long years and would help keep those with extreme talent and genius alive for centuries. Luckily for him he was also allowed to do part time weapon repairs, something he loved. He found it peaceful, ironically. When the team for the Arc-Prime mission was assembled he insisted he be on it. His combined intellectual and practical talents as well as his young age and relative physical fitness making him an ideal candidate. [hr] [b]Special Skills:[/b] S: 5 P: 5 E: 7 C: 5 I: 8 A: 6 L: 5 [b]Equipment/Gear:[/b] 10mm Pistol 50 10mm Rounds 5 Stimpacks 3 Rad-a-Way Reinforced Vault Suit Respirator 3 Bottles of Water 2 Ration Packs Pip-Boy 3000-D (Equipped with Sonar Upgrade) Weapon Repair Kit Guns and Bullets (Book) Deans Electronics (Book) [b]Strengths:[/b] Intellect Adaptability Love of Learning/Curiosity [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Naivety Idealistic Reckless Soft Hearted Temperamental [/hider]