[quote=@Shadow Daedalus] [@Doltboy]I've got to ask...why is he a flying dwarf of all things? :lol [/quote] That's a brilliant question. The character developed as I typed, honestly. I just started off with the idea that a dwarf would be an unusual character, given the probable inherent size of the gods. I was jumping up and down doing this during lulls in the help needed from Dad with his DIY project. The thought of him in the AoT harness made me laugh, and I realised just how ridiculous it would be to add in a wingsuit to the design. What started off as something I initially expected to be a goof character, so I could get all the silly stuff building up in my system out of the way, morphed into a character that I fell in love with. It was my equivalent of getting down bad ideas to get to good ones, that ended up being a hilarious character that would hopefully mix things up a little bit. I was feeling in a comical mood as I typed it, as you will hopefully have appreciated due to my writing style.