[centre][b][color=fff200][h1]Niesha[/h1][/color][/b] [img]http://i65.tinypic.com/2prbtlc.jpg[/img] [b]location:[/b]Parking lot between 10 (medical garden) and Gilbert street---> dead teen, near medical garden[/centre] [hr] She waited until James got over, lifted the kid up, but there was no beat. No bump under her fingers. No breath went into the kid, this boy whose life was cut short by another human being and what for?What for, damn it? [color=fff200]"He doesn't have a pulse"[/color] She said softly, dropping her hand away from the boys wrist as James lifted him. [color=fff200]"It was a clean shot...Maybe...maybe if we had all the technology before...He's gone...I...I have my knife"[/color] Niesha could still remember the first time she had had to kill one of the dead. She still remembered the first time she had to kill one of her own, driving the knife up and into the brain, to kill them truly before they turned. She didn't want this teens in her memory, but it had to be done...for the good of the community. [color=fff200]"Go. You'll be more use on the front lines and this is something I can do"[/color] her voice broke, and she cleared her throat. She knew she had a choice. Find Sophie, or do what she could here. There was nothing she could do, nothing anyone could do, she knew that. It didn't make it any easier. How long, until the kid turned? They were basically standing in the boys life blood. She hadn't seen what was obvious, just hoping, hoping there was a chance the boy could be saved. But there wasn't. [color=fff200]"I'll get the kids inside. I'll do what has to be done"[/color] And she'd let herself feel it later. After she knew Sophie was safe. After she got Kristina back home. After dealing with the teen. She wanted to see it through, to the burial. After she offered what help she could be. She might not be educated further then her pharmacy degree, but she had skills. If there were three others shot-and from this boy, it was clear the shooter was skilled, then there could be three others potentially dead. She should do what she could to find them. And do what she could, if they were still alive. But it was clear that whoever did this, wanted to have their own dead try and cause as much chaos as they could. Maybe there was a newly turned newmanite wandering down the street, or along the wall, right now, waiting to bite someone. that thought had her pulling out her knife. It was the only defence she had. Before James could put the boy back down, before the boy could turn, Niesha tilted the boys head, so she could get access to that sweet spot, that would enable her the best route to the brain, to kill it. She felt sick doing it. [color=fff200]"I'm sorry"[/color] She whispered, as her knife went in. It was never any easier. It could never be easy. If it was...she would know she had no humanity left. Tears blurred her eyes, stinging, wanting to be released, but she didn't succumb to the tears. She couldn't, not here, not know. Not when she had a boys blood on her hands, not when she was giving him that final gift of mercy, so he would never have to be one of the walking dead.