[b]URIEL ATTICUS - LOCATION: TRAINING ROOM[/b] [color=6ecff6]"That sounds like a plan. Although 'there must be no touching of the hair or face!’"[/color] Uriel cracked up at the Brit’s attempt at a Will Ferrell impersonation. He wasn’t gonna fool anyone with that accent but hey, it was the thought that counted. [color=00aeef]“We’ll work on that later,”[/color] he struggled to say through tears of laughter, [color=00aeef]“Alrighty, arms and chest it is then.”[/color] He complied with Arthur’s suggestion and they shifted to a more isolated area of the room. Couldn’t let anyone get in harm’s way, right? Though Uriel doubted that his punches would be much of a threat to anyone in the group besides Stasya or Mara. [color=6ecff6]"Alrighty then, time for the world's most one-sided boxing match. Ding-ding!"[/color] Uriel played along for a bit, imitating a boxer’s stance with his fists in front of his face and his feet doing a few hops. Hell, he might have even thrown in a few shadow punches in there. He seriously hoped that no one in the room was watching him. He was more embarrassed by his poor form than the play-fighting. [color=00aeef]“Well folks, it’s the match of the century!”[/color] Uriel continued in his announcer voice, [color=00aeef]“In the red corner, we have the defending champion, the steely gentleman from the land of shepherds’ pie and 60s pop music, Redcoat Ragnarson!”[/color] [color=00aeef]“And in the blue corner, the inexplicably handsome and talented devil from the Land Down Under, all the way from across the Pacific Ocean, everybody give it up for Earth-Shatter Atticus!”[/color] Uriel feigned some audience noises, making whoops and applause. At this point he was just stalling. He was honestly surprised by how uncomfortable he was with doing this. He did have Arthur’s consent after all, and it wasn’t like it was going to cause any major long-term harm to his new friend. Probably. Didn’t Houdini die from a gut punch? This definitely wasn’t something he wanted to do on a regular basis. Ah well, Uriel was just going to have to suck it up. He could pay back for it by lessening the pain. The pain that he was about to inflict. Geh, uncool stuff. [color=00aeef]“Okie dokes, here goes…”[/color] Uriel did a comically big windup with his right fist while glancing at his target, Arthur’s chest. It was a good place to aim, an area that would make it impossible for Uriel to miss, while also suffering very little damage. Unless Uriel broke a rib. Aargh, he just needed to try and not think about it so hard. Earth-Shatter Atticus scrunched his eyes closed and threw his fist forward. [@Jinxer]