[hr][hr][center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjYwLmMwMjgxMS5RMjl1Ym05eUozTWdVMjl5Y205My4yAAAA/octin-sports-free.regular.png[/img] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjQwLmUwYmQyZS5TblZ6ZENCc1pYUWdhWFFnYjNWMExpNHUuMAAA/seaweed-script.regular.png[/img] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjQwLjY1NmI4MS5XVzkxSUcxdmNtOXVMZywsLjAA/dancing-script.regular.png[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/1a30dfd4dddbb03e1332567e37c7eb34/tumblr_inline_oahrh2Efkt1uoorr4_500.gif[/img] [img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/19d59d90f934e9457b5f5061dd9a9512/tumblr_inline_nh22huzwMB1szaa83.gif[/img] [img]http://65.media.tumblr.com/768cab2bb58122fbc5f0f4721449938b/tumblr_mwmzycyUwq1r1z5a3o3_250.gif[/img] [color=#708090][b]Location[/b]:[/color] Somewhere... at the party. Surrounded by a bunch of drunks. [color=d32626][b]Featuring[/b]:[/color] Her-Majesty-Fucking-Annoyed Alyssa, The-Very-Drunk-Emotional-Wreck-Head-Jock Connor, The Confused-Bro-King-To-Be Rhett, & Mystery Man at the end [color=#ffbf00][b]Time[/b]:[/color] Drink your sorrows away time. [sup]Collab with: [@lovely complex] & [@Universorum][/sup] [hr][hr][/center] [indent]This was not part of her plan. And Alyssa [i]hated it[/i]. After she’d slipped away from her friends, she’d planned to simple tug the host away from whatever he was doing and have a talk with him. Simple, easy. What she [i]didn’t[/i] expect was fucking Connor. That little bastard, ruining [i]everything[/i]. [i]Again.[/i] As he tended to do…[/indent] [img]http://ru-minecraft.ru/out?i%3Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fimg-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com%2F08e641c3607d17296c96cff2ceea9b48%2Fhttp%3A%2F%2Fi246.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fgg106%2Fslmorejon%2FRedLine.png[/img][img]http://i.imgur.com/p02Pnwo.png[/img][right][img]http://ru-minecraft.ru/out?i%3Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fimg-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com%2F08e641c3607d17296c96cff2ceea9b48%2Fhttp%3A%2F%2Fi246.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fgg106%2Fslmorejon%2FRedLine.png[/img][/right] [indent]The person that had pulled Rhett away from the girl he was speaking to was none other than the cream of the crop, the queen of the school: Alyssa Green. She pulled him off to the side, ducking away from the crowd and clasping her hands together. [color=708090]”Hello, Rhett. Wonderful party, We need to talk. Don’t speak until I say to speak. We have to have a wonderful conversation about your future. I see [i]potential[/i] in you. Untapped potential, boundless potential--by the way, you don’t have nearly enough liquor here, I keep having to drink out my bag of tricks and it’s [i]terrible.[/i] This party in general is almost in poor taste, we’ll have to work on that. Get you a few upgrades to a classier location and less… ‘I do drugs!’ coloration.”[/color] Alyssa clicked her tongue disapprovingly as she looked around the beach, with the neon colored… well, everything, scattered around them. [color=708090]”No, no, this just won’t do. If you’re going to be a man of the caliber that I’m looking for you’ll have to upscale your parties. Just a little bit. Less blacklights. More… maybe strobe lights. I like strobe lights. Do you like strobe lights? Whatever, that isn’t my point. My point is that, I think you can raise up from the position in life that you currently hold, simply from harnessing the untapped potential that you hold inside of you, and rallying the people besides. [i]Politics[/i]. Put yourself in a position of authority, and use that power to… oh, I don’t know, save the poor, or whatever. Good politicians start early, in high school. This is your official opportunity to start. Become a king, test the waters, see how it works. You’ll take some work, but luckily I have an expert PR team in the form of me, Butler, and my girls. We’ll straighten you out and you’ll learn more about how to be the man everyone wants to be friends with in twenty minutes than you have your entire life.”[/color] Alyssa paused for a second, looking him up and down. [color=708090]”So. Rhett. What do you s-”[/color] Alyssa’s words were cut off as Rhett was suddenly pushed slightly away from her and wrapped up in a bearhug by a boy wearing a football jersey. [i]Connor that little shit.[/i] [color=d32626]”RHETT. Rhett. Good party, bro. GOOD. PARTY.”[/color] He pulled away from Rhett, and Alyssa felt her face immediately contort into a [i]scowl[/i].[/indent] [img]http://ru-minecraft.ru/out?i%3Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fimg-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com%2F08e641c3607d17296c96cff2ceea9b48%2Fhttp%3A%2F%2Fi246.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fgg106%2Fslmorejon%2FRedLine.png[/img][img]http://i.imgur.com/tkLlD8F.png[/img][right][img]http://ru-minecraft.ru/out?i%3Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fimg-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com%2F08e641c3607d17296c96cff2ceea9b48%2Fhttp%3A%2F%2Fi246.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fgg106%2Fslmorejon%2FRedLine.png[/img][/right] [indent]...always. Always ruining things. [color=708090]”Connor. Hi. Can’t you go bother [i]literally anyone else!?[/i]”[/color] Rhett’s mind was running a million miles per hour. How did he get this popular? Sure, he was good with people but damn… all eyes were on him and he was getting [i]complimented[/i]. When did people start noticing him? Throwing a party at this level was already overwhelming and he didn’t have the girls that helped him (Ely and Tis) around to control the party. Things would surely run rampant. All he could think about was Sierra being reminded of the dipshit that chickened out. Fucking pussy. Okay, Rhett doesn’t curse often but when someone annoys him because they don’t have the balls to say what is on their mind…. Fucking shit balls. It was annoying. If he saw Coffee Guy, oh man, he would confront him, himself, and show him the kind of guy Sierra needs. Wait- what? What was he saying… why did he care this much? Si could take care of herself. This wasn’t his problem. One minute he was there keeping her mind off of her troubles and the next he was with… woah. His ocean blue orbs scanned the intimidating blonde before him… this was the closest he’s ever gotten to her and he’d be lying if he said she wasn’t his type. Blondes were hot. And she knew she was hot, which made her beauty worse. Alyssa talked about many things… mostly becoming classy if he was going to take the role ‘King’ beside her. He was being rude staring at her like she was some sexy piece of meat! Respect the royalty that stands before you. Her hair was so nicely done and that pink shirt made her pop, it didn’t help that he could faintly see her bra… and she had soft-looking legs. STOP IT, RHETT. Clearing his throat, while she talked, Rhett nodded like he heard everything she was saying but really… he was highly distracted by her beauty. Something about strobe lights? Uh… and like… politics? Yeah. Politics. Respect my authoritah! Opening his mouth to bullshit a response that he’s been listening to her this entire time, the punk was saved by… Connor! Head jock and most definitely more fitting for the role of King… but eh, that was just Rhett’s opinion. Thank you party gods! The distracted male was saved by one of the coolest boyz out there. Patting the jock’s back, Rhett grinned like a goofball. Connor sounded drunk AF. Glancing over at Alyssa, Rhett gave her a shrug before bringing his attention back to a guy he never really had a chance to get tight with yet… but they’d most definitely be tight, given time, “[color=#ffbf00]Thanks man! Dude. You ready for the homecoming game? You’re going to be money. I just know![/color]” [color=d32626]”I’m always money when I get on that field. But you know what man. You know who’s really money?!”[/color] Connor bent down to grab one of the glow stick off of the sand, waving the neon blue thing around. [color=d32626]”Ty. Ty is money and he’d lOVE THIS GLOW STICK. Swig of beer for the glow stick man!”[/color] Connor tipped the glass in his hands back, taking a swig from it as he shook his head, tossing the glow stick away. [color=d32626]”But he’s gone now…”[/color] [color=708090]”Oh for Christ’s sake…”[/color] “[color=#ffbf00]Aw man. I’m sorry to hear that. These glow sticks are dope, thank the blonde rebels for that. Hey, why don’t we check out the bonfire? Get your mind off ya boy. Drink and get stupid, what do you say!?[/color]” Rhett felt sorry for Connor, he didn’t really know what happened to Ty but it obviously was getting the jock down. Unfortunately for Rhett, Connor’s mind was elsewhere as he reached over and picked up one of the paint guns, waving it around. [color=d32626]”And you know what else!? You know who would have loved these guys? Sentinel. Wolfe. [i]My boy[/i]. But he’s gone too! Swig of beer for the workin’ man!”[/color] Connor tipped the glass up to his lips, swishing back what was left in it before he shook it around. [color=d32626]”Need more beer. More tributes.”[/color] [color=708090]”Connor…”[/color] Rhett glanced over at a group of kids just talking and drinking and decided to back away and ‘borrow’ one, okay two, okay maybe three of their beers and told them to get more. Connor needed it more than them. With the three cups in his hands, Rex went up to the emotional boy and offered him one, “[color=#ffbf00]Go wild. Just let it out, man. Let it out.[/color]” [color=708090]”Rhett, do [i]not[/i] encourage this.”[/color] [color=d32626]”Smell that sea breeze? Ender loved the sea! He liked to come here and sit in the sand alone and I don’t really know what he did but I can only imagine it was amazing, just like him!”[/color] Connor snatched one of the beers from Rhett, cracking it open and holding it up to the sky as he tossed the paint gun to the side. [color=d32626]”Swig o’ beer for the man of the hour!”[/color] Another swig of the liquid. Usually Connor didn’t drink much, but dammit, he was [i]sad[/i] He flicked away at his cheek, either pretending to brush away tear, or quickly getting rid of one before anyone could see. Was up in the air. [color=708090]”[i]Connor you moron…[/i]”[/color] Deciding to join along, Rhett opened his own can and offered the last one to Alyssa (but she didn’t seem like a beer drinker). Taking a chug, chug, chug, of his drink, he carefully watched the Football captain. What the hell happened to all of his friends? The Matriarch found the jock to be insufferable and Rex was just… confused. Maybe he should rant too? About his own stresses? But nah, this was Connor’s moment. If only there was a football somewhere… “[color=#ffbf00]There. There. Who else do you miss, bro? Who else?[/color]” Lifting up his can, Rhett joined in with the jock, even though he wasn’t familiar with the boyz, “[color=#ffbf00]Pourin’ out for the homies. Ty, Wolfe, and Ender![/color]” He poured some of his drink onto the sand before encouraging Connor to continue his battle cry, “[color=#ffbf00]You good? Do you miss someone else?[/color]” Connor held up one finger as he raised the glass into air. One last guy. [color=d32626]”And then there’s Leon! Leon would have appreciated this music. Swig o’ beer for the motorcycle ridin’ man!”[/color] Connor killed the beer in his hand and then cracked the second one, holding it high into the air. [color=d32626]”Long live the kings.”[/color] He tipped it back and slammed the whole thing as Alyssa stomped her foot into the sand. [color=708090]”BRYAN. They are [i]NOT DEAD.[/i]”[/color] “[color=#ffbf00]...so what happened to them?[/color]” Rhett was completely intrigued now. Worried about Connor, but intrigued nevertheless. [color=d32626]”Your boy Ty is off in Brooklyn goin’ hard doin’ cocaine off the asses of twenty thousand dollar strippers, Wolfe’s in fucking Alaska with his uncle being the manliest man I’ve ever heard of in my life, surviving in the wild, KILLING MOOSE WITH HIS BARE HANDS AND BEING HIS HOMESTEAD’S SENTINEL! Fighting off REAL WOLVES AND SHIT! A real man’s man! Ender’s off in fuckin’ Frisco, being a whatever it is you wanna call him. Honestly, he’s probably punching kids. Takin’ heads and cashin’ names or some shit. [i]Endin’ shit[/i].”[/color] Connor paused, looking off into the distance as he thought about the last one. Leon. [color=d32626]”And… Leon… Well, Leon’s probably off suckin’ a cock somewhere.”[/color] [color=5bc30c]”I AM NOT.”[/color] [/indent]