I was originally going to make an absurdly edgy character for this. Then I realized that the power to control crows was terrible. [hider=Shitpost Supreme][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/oapavib.png[/img] [h2][b][color=#64879e]"We're just one meatball away from a subbing."[/color][/b][/h2][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Lark [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Appearance:[/b] Lark is a decently sized-man. He stands at 5'11. However, even though he's 15, he looks like he's 17. The reason for this (scientists were baffled at the conclusion) was that he was so stupid that his body needed to grow up faster in order to survive. His number is located on his bicep, allowing him to welcome people to the gun show whenever someone wants to see his number. [b]Number:[/b] 30 [b]Rank:[/b] D [b]Personality:[/b] Lark is, in simplest terms, an idiot. He constantly says things that make no sense, his plans are all terrible, he is a complete failure in academics. However, he has one [i]special[/i] mental trait that allows him to function extremely well (in his mind). He is absurdly stubborn. By absurdly stubborn, I mean that if he's wrong, he vehemently denies being wrong. Someone beats him at arm-wrestling? No they didn't. Someone proves his ideas wrong? Well, they're wrong. He really has no opinion on fighting Godslayers. Most of that stemming from that he hasn't got the entire "ethics of creating living weapons" concept down. He just fights, and that's it. He has a tendency to show people his gun-show. He even managed to escape scientists by flexing so hard. Really, they were just that baffled by his stupidity that they just let him go. He got stuck on the way out. Turns out, the door didn't open in or out, but it slid instead. [b]Likes/Dislikes:[/b] Likes [list][*]Birds [*]People who are also disappointments [*]Candy [*]Sports [*]Birds [*]Playing games [*]Birds [*]Action [*]Did I mention birds?[/list] Dislikes [list][*]Normal goal-achieving people [*]Spoilsports [*]Vegetables [*]Boredom[/list] [b]Enhancements:[/b] [u]Above-Average But Somehow Better Than You[/u] Lark is above average in pretty much every single physical category. There's really nothing special about that, though. However, for some odd reason, whenever he plays sports, arm-wrestles, or does anything of that sort, he overcharges into (as he puts it) I'm-Better-Than-You-Mode. Scientists are baffled why he can beat people stronger than him, but is useless when fighting Gods. [b]Abilities:[/b] [u]Birds of a Feather[/u] Lark can, well, create and control Larks. A rather impressive ability to control small birds. A majority of the birds of, understandably, obese. While this ability seems to be extremely weak, Lark can create and control 100 Larks*. Granted, even as a swarm of 100, they're still extremely weak. [sup]*Note: He can still create more birds. They just become projectiles at that point.[/sup] Lark can create the birds by, quite miraculously, pulling them out of nowhere. He doesn't quite understand how this ability works and scientists are (again) baffled by how much Lark ignores the laws of mass. It is theorized that Lark doesn't know them, so he refuses that the laws of mass exist.[/hider]