[hider=Aiko] [color=springgreen]Name[/color]: Aiko [color=springgreen]Elements[/color]: Air [color=springgreen]Mask[/color]: Kanohi Kualsi, Mask of Quick Travel (Powerless) [color=springgreen]Gender[/color]: Female [color=springgreen]Appearance[/color]: Aiko has a rather tall and lanky built with dark pine green armour with neon green stripes going down the center of the body armour. Underneath lays lighter shade of a green body (not as dark as the armour) with bright emerald green eyes, which others tend to look at the oddity (her eyes) than herself. [color=springgreen]Occupation[/color]: Nomadic, while traveling to different places and doing odd jobs here and there, Aiko doesn't stay in one place for long due to the fact that she feels that she doesn't belong. [color=springgreen]Description[/color]: While being a Nomad, Aiko is clearly a cheerful being that tries to make friends. Though, not staying in one place long enough, she distances herself from everyone that she meats. Having this cheerful outside personality, Aiko can be brash and brutally honest whenever she feels threaten or whenever someone invades her personal space. Whenever the mood hits her, she may take off at random times or completely go silent to whom she's talking too. [color=springgreen]Tools[/color] - A walking stick [center][color=springgreen]Relationships[/color]: will probably progress with relations later.[/center] [color=springgreen]Journal[/color]: Nothing at the moment. [color=springgreen]Bag[/color]: - A water bottle - Playing cards [/hider] I'm back... XD