[center][sub][hider=Fujoshi Muse Music brought to you by LovelyAna][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJwHIpEogEY[/youtube][/hider][/sub] [IMG]http://i68.tinypic.com/2u4rm86.jpg[/IMG] [h1][color=f6989d]Dal Yoon Suk[/color][/h1][h3]AND[/h3][h1][center][color=yellow]Cameron Blackwood[/color][/center][/h1] [IMG]http://i63.tinypic.com/2lkzdhv.png[/IMG] [hr] Dallie was on her butt, staring right at the predator of a Mustang in front of her. It had just barely stopped in time. Staring with wide eyes, it felt like she had been frozen over in her sudden fear. What... What had just happened? One minute she had been walking like normal, the next she was on the ground staring at the hood of a car. SHE HAD ALMOST DIED! Getting to her feet she looked at the car, her face pale and eyes wide in the cold confusion that had frozen all thought. Her heart was pumping, but if she was suppose to feel pain, she couldn't. She just felt cold. Looking through the window, then into the face of the person behind the wheel, all she could do was stare at them with wide eyes. [color=yellow]"Ehm, you look traumatized."[/color] Cameron said, rubbing the side of his head and brushing his blonde hair out of his face. He was sure he had scared the life out of the teenage girl, and he felt bad. But it was a little bit her fault for just standing there. It's like in horror movies when the girl that we all know will die just stands there in 'shock' while she is brutally murdered with a sledgehammer. Except this time it's with an GT Mustang. Cameron would've made a joke about this, but he just nearly turned her into ground up human bones and meat, which is sounds very horrible, now that he thinks about. He parks his car slowly to the side, and gets out, walking over to her. She was probably going to try to murder him for this, this hasn't the first time Cameron nearly was strangled by an angry teenage girl. Ah, back when he was 18. As Cameron held the back his head, he then started to feel sort of a cold liquid. Which means only one thing, and he guessed correctly. It was a tad bit of a puddle, a red puddle that had a strong smell of iron even though it wasn't that big. The guy was talking to her, but all those words past through her muddled head and she just stared at him. Her eyes were still as big as saucers and her face had hardly any color to it, but now she was shaking. And as she shook she stared and the color of her eyes slowly tinted to a red amber. Her brows fell from their perches of surprised and dove down into the depths of anger. Her opened mouth closed slowly, teeth clenching. He had almost killed her! [color=yellow]"This is the part where you swear me out, and call me a dirty dumb blonde?"[/color] Cameron scratched his chin, and groaned. [color=yellow]"And before you do that, respect your elders. I'm 23, you're a kid."[/color] He said. [color=f6989d]"Kid?"[/color] she whispered slowly, her angry face clouding over with even more rage, [color=f6989d]"KID?! Listen up [i]dude[/i]..."[/color] She poked a finger into his chest, her other hand on her hip, her face as close to his as possible from her short stature. [color=f6989d]"I am twenty two, first of all! Second of all, [i]speedy[/i], pedestrians have the frickin' right away!" [/color]Fuming she brought that baby face of hers right up to his, standing on her tip toes, hands on her hips. Her narrow eyes almost looked red. [color=f6989d]"You could have kill me and yourself driving like that!"[/color] To be honest, the only thing Cameron was hearing, was the adult sounds from Charlie Brown, until she poked him in his chest. That's when he gave her the meanest glare he could give, [color=yellow]"Yeah, I know I'm crazy and I know I almost flattened you like a worn out tire. No pun intended. Yada yada. -- Wait, you're not...?!"[/color] [color=yellow]"Also, sorry? I woke up late, trying to get to the Academy. No one was walking down the road, I look in the back of my car because I heard a thump, next thing I know. A WOMAN!"[/color] He said, with his arms crossed. [color=f6989d]"Oh, well that just excuses you from everything, now doesn't it?" [/color]she fumed, hands on her hips, [color=f6989d]"How old are you? Nineteen? Twenty? Driving like that, I'd think you were fifteen and late to the goddamn prom!"[/color] [color=yellow]"I'm twenty three. And I do look younger than my age, thanks."[/color] Cameron's deep but also light voice sounded like he wanted to laugh and cry from nearly killing someone at the same time. As much as he seems okay about this, he nearly murdered someone random woman. Cameron winced, as the air went into his very tiny head wound. He touched it, and there was now dried blood a little on his hand. [color=f6989d]"Oh holy mother of doujinshi,"[/color] her anger was gone as she noticed his wound, eyes wide and full of concern, [color=f6989d]"You knocked your head! Do you feel dizzy?! How many fingers am I holding up?!"[/color] She held up two on her right hand and three on her left, but she was trembling too much to be any good help. And as quickly as she had put her hands up, she dropped them. [color=f6989d]"I'm calling an ambulance! You need to go to the hospital! You could have a concussion! If you feel sleepy, you better keep those eyes open or I will start pinching and smackin you, got it?" [/color]She took out her cellphone quickly, shaking hands trying to get past the password on the lock of her Lime 5 phone. [color=yellow]"Ehm. Two, three?"[/color] Cameron said, he scratched his side. [color=yellow]"I'm fine! I'm fine! Don't worry about it! My head is fine. It's just an scrape or something."[/color] Cameron said, leaning on his car. Cameron waved his hands left and right, his eyes widened. This was nothing! All he needed was a bandaid! Cameron motioned for her to not call the ambulance, they weren't needed! Besides, if they learn he nearly killed her, he can seriously get in trouble! Ugh, like waking up from a hangover just wasn't enough. [color=f6989d]"B-But...you're bleeding!"[/color] she felt woozy just glancing up at that blood, her face pale and eyes wavering in and out of focus, [color=f6989d]"If my phone would just o-open..."[/color] She was trying so hard but her hands just wouldn't stop shaking. She had to get it open. She had to call the ambulance. He was hurt. He might die! Why couldn't she remember how to unlock her phone? Or remember how to breathe correctly? Her breathing was coming in short shallow rasps now. Cameron sort of smiled, [color=yellow]"Don't worry about me. After all, I am a 'Speedy'."[/color] He said, as he grabbed his car's door and was about to get in. He then turned to see how worried she was, and he seemed concerned for her. He walked over to her, and used his rather calm voice. [color=yellow]"Hey, I'm okay, ... whatever your name is.."[/color] Cameron said. "Dal Yoon..." she shivered and trembled, wondering why the screen of her phone just wouldn't cooperate, "Dallie... My name's Dallie. Oh god, I might have killed you." She looked up at the stranger who had almost hit her with his car and instead of anger, all that was there was a trembling bottom lip and eyes filled with big fat tears ready to spill down flushed cheeks. Holy... She really thought he was hurt. Cameron slowly grabbed her hands. [color=yellow]"If I was dead, how am I holding your hands? I can't bleed out from this either, see the blood stopped."[/color] He asked, softly. Cameron smiled and seriously hoped she wasn't seriously thinking he was about to die from a simple scratch around the sideburns on his head. [color=f6989d]"Y...Yeah...."[/color] she blinked hard over and over, her icy hands still shaking a bit, even when holding the phone, [color=f6989d]"That... That makes sense..."[/color] His hands were on hers and she finally was able to feel them. They felt too hot on her cold skin. Wait, why was she cold? Oh right, that's what happened after something as shocking as almost being run over by a car. She was no doctor, but she had seen enough yaoi plots based around 'I'm in shock, warm me up with your body'. They were always kind of boring... She liked the monster kind better. More funny. Wait, where was her mind going with this again? Right. In shock. Got it. [color=f6989d]"You... You still have to get to class,"[/color] she swallowed hard, trying to steel her voice, [color=f6989d]"And I have to get to work. The mid shift at the arcade starts soon..."[/color] She forced a very pale and unbelievable smile onto her face, slipping her hands out from his. [color=f6989d]"Nice to meet you, Guy-Who-Almost-Ran-Me-Over. Gotta get to gettin'."[/color] [color=yellow]"I think I deserve a day off, after all this is my last day and this might actually need stitches."[/color] Cameron said, holding the side of his head, rubbing the area. [color=yellow]"I'm Cameron. You can uhh, call me Cammy or Cam."[/color] He said with a smile, he yawned and walked slowly back. [color=yellow]"I could drive you to the Arcade, if needed."[/color] He offered, in a totally platonic way. Dal Yoon's plaster smile faltered a bit, like ill constructed siding on the face of an ancient building. She was still rather pale, her eyes were red-rimmed and she had to clasp both hands around her phone to keep from shaking too much. Guess it really was starting to sink. Holy Lord Seme of Sin, she had almost died. And if that had happened.... Well, she'd be dead! Not that there was much of anyone to notice really. Well, maybe her work. And her virtual otome game husbandos. Wow, talk about BLEAK. She looked down at her hands, which held her life with white knuckles. [color=f6989d]"R-Right... N-Nice to meet you..."[/color] good, that sounded normal and polite, very good, now continue, [color=f6989d]"Yes, th-that would be kind of you. Th-Thank you."[/color] Very well done. If not for the robotic voice, she'd sound completely and totally normal! Very well done. Cameron noticed the way she stuttered she seemed like a very shy person. Cameron nodded, and opened the shotgun seat of his GT Mustang for her to walk in. He got in the driver's seat. Then again, she just mouthed off at him. What's up with her? One moment she cares for him, one she's shy, and another she mouths off at him. .... What type of person is he letting in his car?[/center]