Elemmíre felt her chains come undone, it was done carefully, they remained on her wrists but she could feel they were lose and all she had to do was jerk free and they would fall away. She waited for a moment, summoning her energy and power together and waiting just a few seconds as the bidders became more excited and loud. Then at the right moment she released her spell, there was no harm it her work, it was just a bang and a flash. In that moment she threw the shackles off herself and while the bidders and auctioneer were coughing from the smoke of her magic she ran, leaping from the platform she ran into the crowd. Then she saw him, streaking beside her, his brown coat flapping out behind him as he ran with her, both heading for the same direction towards the door. Her hooves clattered noisily on the floor as they ran, tail streaming out behind, her hair a silver banner. She saw him reaching out a hand towards her as she ran and for a moment she hesitated, this man was as much a stranger as the rest of these people. The she grasped his hand and allowed him to steer her in the direction he was heading. Hands grabbed and pulled at her as they ran but none were strong enough to break her grip from him. Finally they had made it to the end of the room and Elemmíre saw the strangest sight, they were running towards a large blue box at the dead end of a corridor. Elemmíre automatically veered towards the other corridors which lead to the door and freedom but he tugged her in the opposite direction, towards the box. He was too strong to resist however and together they went plunging into the door.