[h3][color=bedded][b][center]Thomas Richard Harrison[/center][/b][/color][/h3] [center][indent][color=bedded][i]Location:[/i][/color] Campgrounds, conveniently placed nearby an orc army. [color=bedded][i]Interacting with:[/i][/color] Sana, Satilla, and NOT Skittles. [/indent][/center] Mordykhan's Magnificent Mansion. For when your party wants to party, As Mordykhan was quite the party wizard. Parlor tricks and flashy magic, all to entertain, and perhaps that's what killed him in the end, as he never saw his own death coming. Well it was a good balance of people it seemed, but Thomas could not help but think they were a bit lacking on the close-quarters. Two or three casters sure, but which one was an actual battle mage? The rest he figured would be good with a bow, but if the enemy gets without arm's reach then what? They really could have used a tank proper. A tinman that could be punched around and still stand, and maybe even heal his own cuts and scrapes while they all focus on him. Or maybe they could use a manipulator who could buff them with various arcane spells. Maybe he should have been one of those instead, yet it was not in the nature of his spells. Was it? [color=bedded]"Okay, um, if you need me I'll be meditating to change and charge up some spells, just in case we are attacked... By undead. Yea, Undead..."[/color] With a nod to Sana, and using his newly carved staff-crutch-cane the sorcerer walked over to the fire. Fire yes, keep it small, nothing large, a campfire right? Not a blazing inferno that could turn an entire building to ash? Mere cinders remained and he was caught in the center of it all. The pyre cremating everything. Into the dancing flames, flickering about, their orange red and yellow bodies like fairies flitting to and fro. Whatever beauty there was, there too was danger. And what a fatal attraction it would be to stick your hand to grab its brilliance? Wordlessly he chose his spot, beside Satilla, yet out of reach from her cat hopefully. That wicked beast, as cute as it looked, it was probably just as dangerous as the flames. Yet it seemed she too was lost in a haze of events, and perhaps gazed into the flames or the comfort of her feline friend to be mesmerized. So too would Thomas have to calm himself and detach himself from the world. From Sana, from Ntaj, from Satilla. These mortals here below, they were not of his kind. He belonged with them, his body was merely a weak and pitiful vessel, barely able to contain him. Oh how the distant stars call for their kin! The changes began. Slowly at first, inside to out. By the next hour Thomas would have shifted his cosmic attunement from the moon to the stars. his skin would recolour from its moon-state pallor, his charm and sickliness traded for wisdom and detachment. And the Light which shone upon him, shall show a different Thomas.